72 examples of perceptive in sentences

Yet was her beauty worth remarking, too; and I have loved to think that, while others saw that only, I, looking with more perceptive eyes, saw more truly to her heart.

Boswell mentions this ante, i. 41, as a proof of Johnson's 'perceptive quickness.'

In short, a balanced soul was born, perceptive of the two elements....

In her mother was a vein of perceptive shrewdness that occasionally cropped out and made all Hilda's critical philosophy seem school-girlish.)

It is only for their will that they seem to have any perceptive faculties at all; and it is, in fact, only a moral and not a theoretical tendency, only a moral and not an intellectual value, that their life possesses.

He haunted salons, and was graciously received by perceptive ladies, who never made a boredom of virtue.

If the latter were really subjective products, as Kant holds, it would necessarily be possible for us at will to think each perceptive-content either under the category of substance, or property, or causepossible for us, if we chose, to see a round table quadrilateral.

The round brow, fully developed in all the perceptive and aesthetic regions,the keen eye, shadowed by long, dark lashes,the thin, flexible lips,the sunken cheek, where, on the slightest emotion, there fluttered a brilliant flush of color,all were signs telling of the enthusiast in whom the nervous and spiritual predominated over the animal.

ROME Winckelmann was at last in Rome, and who could be worthier to feel the influence which that great privilege is able to produce upon a truly perceptive nature!

The concentrated effort of will, which could give shape to a fancy, and place it outside the eye, could, by sustained action, separate all the perceptive powers from the senses,in short, the spirit from its envelope.

For intellection differs from sensation, somewhat as the understanding of a man differs from the perceptive faculty of a brute; and language, being framed for the reciprocal commerce of human minds, whose perceptions include both, is made to consist of signs of ideas both general and particular, yet without placing them on equal ground.

* How little it avails to know the theory of wisdom and folly, right and wrong, etc., just so as to occupy only the perceptive and reasoning faculties!

We add to its perceptive life so long as our own life lasts.

When one of us dies, it is as if an eye of the world were closed, for all perceptive contributions from that particular quarter cease.

It is a matter of common observation that the growth of the higher perceptive faculty is strangely concomitant with adversity.

These "Letters on Mind" were written by a Mr. Petvin, who after some years again astounded the literary public by sending forth, in diction equally terrific, another tract entitled a "Summary of the Soul's Perceptive Faculties," 1768.

Perkins, whose perceptive faculties were by no means dull, whispered to me, 'Sha'n't I bring up some porgies for supper?'

A genius is apt to be perceptive and sensitive.

Among the participants in the revolutionary process, the far-seeing, imaginative, perceptive and mature develop into purposive revolutionaries.

Ravens are reported to smell out dead bodies from a great distance, and some think that sharks have the same perceptive faculty.

Individual differences of perceptive power in comprehending what is seen, and of narrative skill, or in the plastic and pictorial arts of manual dexterity, import this personal element into all artistic works, the more in proportion to the originality of the maker and the fulness of his self-expression.

Also he was very alert, like a wild animal in the jungle, keenly perceptive and receptive.

All that is peculiar and characteristic seizes upon the yet virgin eye, whose perceptive power is never more clear.

Their retreat was undisturbed, nor could Low detect, by the least evidence to his acute perceptive faculties, that any intruding feet had since crossed the belt of shade.

The forehead was wide, and largely developed both in those parts of it which are deemed to indicate imaginative and idealistic power, and those that denote strongly marked perceptive and artistic faculties.

72 examples of  perceptive  in sentences