1698 examples of perfume in sentences

"Concentrates, eh?" Something arresting, rich-sounding, in the newsa triple essence of the perfume of riches.

The rasped peel of the orange is used in several sweet entremets, to which it communicates its perfume.

With the Latins, the name reminded one of the delicious perfume of this plant.

perfume, m.., perfume, odor, fragrance.

perfume, m.., perfume, odor, fragrance.

vanidad, f, vanity. vano, -a, vain; en , in vain vapor, m., vapor, fumes, perfume.

But it was round the toilet table that memory grew brightest, for thereon was a crystal phial of a most marvellous perfume, and two great mother-of-pearl shells, shedding a mystical radiancethe most commonplace Rimmel's, without doubt, and the shells 'dreadful,' one may be sure.

He had gone with him to the neighbouring woods, and rooted up young plants of lemon trees, oranges, and tamarinds, the round heads of which are of so fresh a green, together with date palm trees, producing fruit filled with a sweet cream, which has the fine perfume of the orange flower.

When he is said to have heard anything, 'it has reached the golden ears:' the perfume of roses is described as grateful to the 'golden nose.'

He stepped through the door into a perfume of flowers and burnt jet fuel.

Tahoe had its roses, too; but its chief perfume was of pines and the pure freshness of breezes that blow over water and snow mountains.

Clare was no more intelligent, she followed him no farther in his flights; but some of the qualities that had become most precious to him were as native to her as its perfume to a flower.

Mr. Bruce walks across a darkened room to throw the window open for a gasp of fresh evening air, laden with the perfume of pinks, carnations, and moss-roses in the garden below.

He wore a fur cap, a velveteen jacket, and a bright-red neckcloth, secured by an enormous ring; nor was this remarkable costume out of character with the perfume he exhaled, denoting he had consumed at least his share of that other half-quartern which postponed his departure.

A Frenchman waits unmoved until the perfume of some rich lamb ragout, an air laden with spices, is wafted toward him.

A keen appetite is even stronger than sorrow, and when Sally Fortune awoke with that strong perfume in her nostrils, she sat straight up among the blankets, startled as the cavalry horse by the sound of the trumpet.

I stand like Summer," she said, "wrapped in perfume; it is intoxicating.

Thus he the glorious burden felt, the warmth of her bosom, And the perfume of her breath, that over his lips was exhaling; Bore with the heart of a man the majestic form of the woman.

Her grandfather was basking in the sun outside, breathing the perfume of the flowers, and idly watching the clouds as they floated on before the light summer wind.

To have a thought, and to give it, were nearly simultaneous things with Cousin Delight; so true, so pure, so unselfish, so made to give,like perfume or music, which cannot be, and be withheld,were thoughts with her.

"Under the leaf lies our tiny green blossom," it said; "and its perfume is out on the air.

One is worth more to scent your handkerchief with than any perfume which they sell in the shops.

He concludes, that, "if, on being cultivated, it does not yield new and palatable varieties, it will at least be celebrated for the beauty of its flowers, and for the sweetness of its perfume.

Now she had come at early dawn, Laden with rich perfume, To shed her tears beside his form Her fragrance round his tomb.

I looked at it closely; the tiny finger-tops and oval nails had left light creases on the delicate leather, and an indescribable perfume, in which violet predominated, drove away the vile animal scent that pervades such gloves.

1698 examples of  perfume  in sentences