16132 examples of period in sentences

The first third of the thirteenth centurythe epoch of the memorable Buondelmonti street fight which lasted thirty yearswas the period in which this dreadful architecture was fixed upon Florence.

The Duomo is an edifice of the Romanesque period, and contains some masterpieces by Mino da Fiesole.

What is that to the warfare of a married maid-of-all-work, with the title of mistress, and an American female constitution, which collapses just in the middle third of life, and comes out vulcanised India-rubber, if it happen to live through the period when health and strength are most wanted?]

It is curious to observe how at this early period of Carlyle's life, when all the talent and learning of England bowed at these levees before the gigantic speculator and dreamer, he, perhaps alone, stood aloof from the motley throng of worshippers,with them, but not of them,coolly analyzing every sentence delivered by the oracle, and sufficiently learned in the divine lore to separate the gold from the dross.

Carlyle seems to have regarded him at this period as a sort of fallen demigod; and although he sneers, with an almost Mephistophelean distortion of visage, at the philosopher's half inarticulate drawling of speech, at his snuffy, nasal utterance of the ever-recurring "omnject" and "sumnject" yet gleams of sympathy and affection, not unmixed with sorrow, appear here and there in what he says concerning him.

Over that period of his life, however, the curtain falls at present, to be lifted only, if ever, by Carlyle himself.

He was, indeed, warped by him, at one period, clear out of his orbit, and wrote as he inspired.

The adrenal mechanisms oversecrete to encounter the enemy, and then there is a period of rest and recuperation.

A period of post-pituitary excess as an effect of disease, pregnancy, or the rapid life, may be followed by post-pituitary deficiency as a result of exhaustion of the gland.

After being at Thompson's my allotted period, I next went to Mr. George Butt, a very able and learned man, who afterwards became a Queen's Counsel, but never an advocate.

But I shall not dwell on my struggles in connection with the Old Bailey at that early period of my life.

For six months Schönfeld wisely kept away; that period, he thought, would be long enough to efface any recollection of the absent soldier.

The noon recess again brought the four friends together, and Betty showed a tentative program she had surreptitiously scribbled during a study period.

It was the final period of the day, and soon school was over.

The same is probably true of Solomon's temple, built at a much later period, when Art had been advanced somewhat by the Phoenicians, to whose assistance it seems he was much indebted.

One full and sweeping period succeeds another, and though pleased and gratified at first, the attention gradually becomes languid.

[Footnote 3: 'and be loser as well as winner' If the Folio's is the right reading, then the sentence is unfinished, and should have a dash, not a period.]

It includes, it should be observed, a negative as well as a positive element; a long period of waiting before income begins, as well as the actual outlay on educational and other charges.

But the same consideration makes it a matter of legitimate doubt whether it would be desirable, even as an ideal, that the community should provide so completely the costs of training and of maintenance in the waiting period, as to make it no longer "fair" that the individual should be remunerated more highly than workers in less expensive occupations.

Unemployment, broadly speaking, is a function not of the magnitude of the normal demand for labor (which affects rather the wage-level), but of fluctuations in the demand for labor; fluctuations from one day to another as at the docks, from one season to another as in the building trades, above all from one period of years to another as in the cycles of general trade boom and depression.

It is only dull prejudice which fails to see that Rome at this period by no means grasped at the sovereignty of the Mediterranean states, but, on the contrary, desired nothing further than to have neighbours that should not be dangerous in Africa and in Greece; and Macedonia was not really dangerous to Rome.

During the short period of their stay, the city was in veritable mourning; the public edifices (even the Bourse) were closed, as were the shops, the warehouses, and the greater part of the cafés.

The historian of that period, speaking of the entrance to this tower, observes, in reference to the cruelties committed there in the Vendean war: "Il existait au milieu de la dernière cour un très beau puits, taillé dans le roc et

From the period at which Henry IV.

"The Hindoo," he says, "whatsoever vast discovery he may have made at an early period of a mysterious Teacher near him, working on his spirit, who is at the same time Lord over nature, began the search from himselfhe had no other point from whence to beginand therefore it ended in himself.

16132 examples of  period  in sentences