22 examples of peripheral in sentences

A, small branch of pulmonary artery; B, twigs of the pulmonary artery anastomosing to form peripheral network of the primitive air cells; C, capillary network around the walls of the air sacs; D, branches of network converging for form the veinlets of the pulmonary veins.

Other sheds hold the servants and hangers-on, the horses and mules; and as the establishment grows, more will be added, and the house itself will probably expand laterally, like a peripheral Greek temple, by rows of posts, probably of palm-stems thatched over with wooden shingle or with the leaves of the Timit {233} palm.

(2) By the Circumflex or Peripheral Vein of the Toe, a canal formed by ramifications from the solar and the podophyllous plexuses, and following the direction of the artery of the same name.

In hyperæmic headache cupping and blood-letting have been recommended; but as a rule both procedures are not only unnecessary but positively inadmissible, as exclusion of the superfluous amount of blood by compression upon the carotids, followed by a corresponding dilatation of the peripheral circulation by means of the foot-bath, will almost always be sufficient to cause a permanent cessation of the symptoms.

As he made the quick right angle twist at the end of the row of crates, he glanced behind him with his peripheral vision.

Common salt, on the other hand, was a peripheral diuretic.

JOHNSON, CARL A. A new recording plethysmograph for the study of peripheral vascular diseases.

SEE Hall, William H. A new recording plethysmograph for the study of peripheral vascular diseases.

HASSIN, GEORGE B. Histopathology of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

SEE Asch, Sholem. SAMUELS, MILDRED S. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the peripheral arteries.

SEE Samuels, Saul S. SAMUELS, SAUL S. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the peripheral arteries.

Peripheral nerve injuries; principles of diagnosis, by Webb Haymaker & Barnes Woodhall.

WOODHALL, BARNES. Peripheral nerve injuries.

JOHNSON, CARL A. A new recording plethysmograph for the study of peripheral vascular diseases.

SEE Hall, William H. A new recording plethysmograph for the study of peripheral vascular diseases.

HASSIN, GEORGE B. Histopathology of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

SEE Asch, Sholem. SAMUELS, MILDRED S. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the peripheral arteries.

SEE Samuels, Saul S. SAMUELS, SAUL S. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the peripheral arteries.

Peripheral nerve injuries; principles of diagnosis, by Webb Haymaker & Barnes Woodhall.

WOODHALL, BARNES. Peripheral nerve injuries.

For, as is well known, the peripheral area of the retina, although insensitive to impressions of form, is highly sensitive to impressions of movement.

Roman civilization under the Caesars was a centralized absolutism with a large measure of peripheral deviation and autonomy.

22 examples of  peripheral  in sentences