30 examples of perlite in sentences

"After an hour or two we came to a pause, and the old feller that was towin' me about, walked up to the surface, and stickin' his head out of the water, 'Good mornin',' says he, in a very perlite sort of way.

He sees him; they size each other up in a flash; they figure that if they's a gun it means a double killin'and they simply haul off and say a perlite fare-thee-well.

" "She's mighty gran' lady, an' a bery perlite missis, an' Ise sorry fur her," replied Tom.

'We was only saying wot a much nicer chap he was thanthan' "'Go on, Peter,' ses Sam, very perlite.

I 'ope you're enjoying of your brekfuss, Sam.' "Sam took the 'ankercher and thanked 'em very perlite, and arter standing there for a minute or two as if they wanted to say something they couldn't remember, they sheered off.

'Whaffor?' "''Cos part of it's mine,' ses Sam, struggling 'ard to be perlite.

I puts 'im in with his bag and blanket, and says, 'Kindly remember the boots, sir,' and he says, 'I've done it,' I said I 'adn't 'ad it, and he told me to go to , well the place as isn't mentioned in perlite company.

" Sam said he didn't mind if 'e did, and arter drinking each other's healths very perlite 'e ordered a couple o' twopenny smokes, and by way of showing off paid for 'em with 'arf a quid.

"I don't want to spile your evening," he says, very perlite.

Silas was very perlite at fust, but arter looking round the room and seeing 'ow bare it was, he gave a little cough, and he ses, "I thought Bill was doing well?" he ses.

[Illustration: "Silas was very perlite at fust.

Or "Why don't yer sit up straight?" "'Tain't perlite to drum yer plate.

" She fetched a bucket o' water and scrubbed the kitchen while I was having my brekfuss, but I kept my eye on 'er, and, the moment she 'ad finished, I did the perlite and emptied the bucket for 'er, to prevent mistakes.

I ses, very perlite.

Did you find as 'ow the mud did you any good?" I looked at 'im hard, but 'e stood there looking at me with his fat baby- face, and I knew he didn't mean any harm; so I answered 'im perlite and wished 'im good night.

I axed 'im one day, mighty perlite en civil, en he call' me a' ole fool, en got so mad he ain' spoke ter me sence.

"That lawyer Fink, that got up the Kennel Club, an' has the bully dog team, an' Daly, the feller with the smile that makes you feel like there's sunshine in the room, was a-talkin' agin each other; an' their fightin' was so excitin' an' so smooth an' perlite too, that everybody was a-settin' on the edges o' their chairs a-waitin' fer what was a-comin' next.

I wish I could go out to play with these nice, perlite little boys?

When a female is in question, a gentleman, Mr. Campyes, sir, a gentlemanis in dooty bound to be perlite.

You cawn't be very sweet and perlite on eighteen bob a weekwhen yer get it!

Why, she hez taken hunderds from our ships, An' would agin, an' swear she hed a right to, Ef we warn't strong enough to be perlite to.

We've turned our cuffs up, but, to put her thru, We must git mad an' off with jackets, tu; 'T wun't du to think thet killin' ain't perlite, You've gut to be in airnest, ef you fight; Why, two-thirds o' the Rebbles 'ould cut dirt, Ef they once thought thet Guv'ment meant to hurt; An'

"I hope you'll excuse me staring," he ses, very perlite; "but I've never seen such a face and figger as yours in all my lifenever.

Then Peter Russet swallered something 'e was going to say and asked old Isaac very perlite to make it a quid for 'im because he was going down to Colchester to see 'is mother, and 'e didn't want to go empty-'anded.

He was a man as got 'imself very much liked at fust, especially by the old ladies, owing to his being so perlite to them, that they used to 'old 'im up for an example to the other men, and say wot nice, pretty ways he 'ad.

30 examples of  perlite  in sentences