7 examples of perquisitions in sentences

We lay under the palms that night, and in the morning began our perquisition afresh; now hunting up and down the narrow lanes and alleys of the town, as we had scoured those of Alicante, in vain, until, persuaded of the uselessness of our quest, we agreed to return to Alicante, in the hope of finding there a letter from Don Sanchez.

I carried out a perquisition in his rooms.

There was a strong presumption in favor of that opinion, which further perquisitions tended to confirm.

Some of the least scrupulous among themsuch as Staring, Hugh, Cutting Dick, and old Tom Woottonhave often discussed the possibility of secretly visiting it, and making a perquisition of its stores; but they have been hitherto restrained by their fears of their terrible and vindictive master.

But Osmond satisfied himself, by a perquisition of every house in those sanctuaries, that he was not there.

He ordered a perquisition of every room and every corner of the hotel, Madame the proprietress loudly lamenting that she and her respectable house would henceforth be disgraced for ever.

No amount of questionings and cross-questionings, no amount of confrontations and perquisitions, had brought any new matter to light.

7 examples of  perquisitions  in sentences