9673 examples of pers in sentences

Maginus Pers. 1517.

Magister artis et largitor ingeni Venter Pers.

Et O si Sub rastro crepet argenti mihi seria dextro Hercule! pupillumve utinam, quem proximus hæres Impello, expungam!' Pers.

'Ut nemo in sese tentat descendere!' Pers.

This word was used in Middle English as a noun, and regularly as the 3d pers.

Verbs in μι insert σ before the final ι of the 3d pers.

Verbs are classified in conjugation according to the radical letter following the root vowel, or diphthong, in the 1st pers.

in μι, § 69; 3d pers.

mid., § 48; is simple aug., (hence the verb is in the indic., § 60;) third ε is mood-vowel, § 42; το is 3d pers.

mid., § 63; γε is reduplication, § 60; last ε is mood-vowel of indic., § 42; no additional ending, § 44; hence 3d pers.

κατέλαβενverb, from καταλαμβάνω; comp. of κατά, down, and λαμβάνω, I receive; the root of the simple verb is λαβ, here appearing in the 2d Aor., § 57; aug., § 60, excluding final α of prep., § 61; last ε likewise shows indic., § 42; no tense-ending in 3d pers.

10. ἠλϑενverb, assigned to ἔρχομαι, but really from defective ἐλεύϑω; root, ελϑ; temporal aug., [ε+ε=η,] § 60; hence indic., as union-vowel (ε) following also shows, § 42; simple root 2d aor., § 57; hence no tense ending in 3d pers.

μαρτυρήσῃverb, from μαρτυρέω; first η is root-vowel, lengthened before tense-sign, (§ 66,) which is σ of 1st fut., § 59; is union-vowel of subj., (§ 44,) the subscribed ι being 3d pers.

pass., § 59; σ for δ, § 14; η in imper., § 42; 3d pers.

pron., § 39; used as pers.

Having crossed the river, I went in search of the chief architectural curiosity in or near Espalionthat known as the Church of Pers, or the Chapel of St. Hilarion.

in the second pers., ineleg., of the connective of two nominatives appar.

Use of the form DARE for the third pers.

Die Afrikaanse Pers Beperk (PPW); 20Aug76; R639800. R639801.

By Stephen Holt, illustrated by Pers Crowell.

Die Afrikaanse Pers Beperk (PPW); 20Aug76; R639800. R639801.

'... Intus, et in jecore ægro Nascuntur Domini ...' Pers.

'Non equidem studeo, bullalis ut mihi nugis Pagina turgescal, dare pondus idonea fumo.' Pers.

'Nimis uncis Naribus indulges' Pers.

Nec te quaesiveris extra. PERS.

9673 examples of  pers  in sentences