2405 examples of persist in sentences

Valis who refused to carry out the orders were superseded if they were strong-minded enough to persist; but more often they were browbeaten by the leaders of the local Young Turk organisations, or even by their own subordinates, and let things go their way.

"If we persist in treating the massacres of Christians as an internal affair of Turkey, which is only important to us because it ensures us the Turks' friendship, then we must change the orientation of our German Kulturpolitik.

British masters are under control, but foreigners will persist, chiefly Sardinian masters.

Mr. Nichols, describing Henderson's visit to Johnson, says:'The conversation turning on the merits of a certain dramatic writer, Johnson said: "I never did the man an injury; but he would persist in reading his tragedy to me."' Gent.

"My daughter, do you still persist in wishing to leave your mother?"

"You like your situation, and yet you persist in desiring to leave it.

According to them the attempts made on the previous evening in the Faubourg St. Antoine had revealed this portion of the situation; they sufficed; it was useless to persist; it was obvious that the working-class districts would not rise; we must turn to the side of the tradesmen's districts, renounce our attempt to rouse the extremities of the city, and agitate the centre.

" "And," continued I, "you persist in refusing to print the appeal to arms?"

But why persist I to bemone my state, When she is gone and my complaint too late?

I do not think he can persist in it.

It is because the people would not hear, would not consider, and would persist in their folly and wickedness, that grief pierces his soul.

How they are at home we can't tell; but from the moment they enter the chapel and touch the holy water stoops, which somehow persist in retaining a good thick dark sediment at the bottom, to the time they walk out, the utmost earnestness prevails amongst them.

You'll turn her into a senseless idiot if you persist!

"But why will you persist in making yourself and me unhappy?

If I am an obstacle to your designs, and if you persist in thinking so, tell me so.

'If you persist in such a resolution you cannot expect to retain your place in my household.'

And certainly I shall leave no stone unturned if you persist in your amazing idea of dismissing the other Hindus from college.

He professed[a] himself ready to assert, that both the king and his officers on one part, and the Catholic population on the other, were bound by the provisions of the treaty; but he previously required that the commissioners of trust should condemn the proceedings of the synod at James-town, and join with him in punishing such of its members as should persist in their disobedience.

Cromwell, when it was laid before him, had recourse to his usual arts, openly refusing that for which he ardently longed, and secretly encouraging his friends to persist, that his subsequent acquiescence might appear to proceed from a sense of duty, and not from the lust of power.

What mankind have long possessed they have often examined and compared; and if they persist to value the possession, it is because frequent comparisons have confirmed opinion in its favour.

Is it that, when power has been once unjust, has no means to efface its injustice but to persist in it, no secret to repair its wrongs, but to aggravate them?

Thus, "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom," or, "If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise," are expressions of the idea constantly recurrent with Blake that evil must be embodied or experienced before it can be rejected.[80]

The spirit which has carried him all over the world, rubbed him against all sorts of conditions and so many civilizations without changing his character, and made of him the one race immune to home-sickness, has persisted for centuries, and may be so bred in the bone, fibre, and soul of the race as to persist forever.

far as the eye can venture, All sleeps as before No, the threat of dreaming Orient Frights me nevermore!" "Laugh thou not too early, Kasbek," Elbrus did persist "Look!

He says: "It seemed to me strange, on the one hand, that people who, in their serious moments and in the recesses of their hearts, invoked Christ, should in the recesses of their minds, in the deep excitement of poetry, persist in invoking Apollo and Pallas Minerva.

2405 examples of  persist  in sentences