49 examples of personal life in sentences

" Who can wonder, on gazing at one of these wonderful plants, that primitive and uncultured tribes should have regarded such mysterious and inexplicable movements as indications of a distinct personal life.

And just now the man who puts his whole soul into being an out-and-out Christian in his daily business and in his personal life as a responsible citizen must have the genuine missionary spirit.

Founded to promote purity of personal life, it was used to uphold the arms of spiritual despotism.

In the first place, this invitation chimed with the ideal of my personal life, namely, to diffuse and propagate among my brothers the scientific ideas, which my brain has accumulated, not through any merit of mine, but thanks to the lucky prize inherited from my mother in the lottery of life.

The unity of the personal life consists in it.

There is no better demonstration of this essential part played by the personal life of man than the fact that God, for the redemption of the world, took on human form and became one Man amongst many men.

Always thinking, learning, experimenting, practicing his knowledge, the man soon comes to look upon this second life as the chief mode of existence, and his merely personal life as something subordinate, serving only to advance ends higher than itself.

Seeking to save his personal life, man forfeits the greater impersonal Life in Truth; clinging to the perishable, he is shut out from a knowledge of the Eternal.

In other words, their conduct has been exactly on the plane that Ulysses represented in personal life, afar back in classic antiquity.

Not that we were urged to industry and enterprisethat is always rightbut actually to seek to profit by the sufferings of othersconduct we would regard as utterly unworthy in personal life.

Only where there is community of heart and thought is national or personal life possible in any worthy sense.

In her father's point of view, and in Charlie's now, a man's personal life did not seem to matter in comparison with getting on and making money.

VI The narrative of Michelangelo's personal life and movements must here be interrupted in order to notice an event in which he took no common interest.

These tell-tale columns deal all with personality and the drama of personal life.

Here is a man whose limitless energy built up a great university; whose straightforward counsel for many years shaped the policies of one of the political parties of the Commonwealth; whose earnest teaching pointed out to many a man his civic duty; and whose personal life is an incentive to high intellectual morality.

It is useless for the preacher, if he tries to be real, to talk about law, or the result of law, or the splendor of teaching; if we know the human heart in its width and its activity, if it is to find satisfaction it must find it in a personal life.

To quote words which I have used elsewhere, the believer finds that the tenderer parts of his personal life are continuous with a more of the same quality which is operative in the universe outside of him and which he can keep in working touch with, and in a fashion get on board of and save himself, when all his lower being has gone to pieces in the wreck.


In doing this he employs his memory, and so conceives his own personal life as an unity.

I. THE PERSONAL LIFE (a) William Hazlitt, On Personal Character, in "The Plain Speaker": How the main thesis differs from that in Emerson's Self-Reliance (page 1).

They did what all the world was loudly professing to do, they looked facts in the face; they found, as any one would find who looked for himself into the realities of the Roman Church, that though the bad was often as bad as could be, there was still, and there had been all along, goodness of the highest type, excellence both of system and of personal life which it was monstrous to deny, and which we might well admire and envy.

Within his sphere the individual succeeds or fails in so far as he leads a rewarding personal life and contributes his share toward the collective life of the group to which she or he belongs.

But he has bound up in his personal being sympathies and capacities which ally him with external objects, and enable him to transmute their inner spirit and substance into his own personal life.

The Hebrew people were the first to define right and wrong in terms of personal life and service.

Being, existence in a definite place amid the tangible surroundings of personal life, Grillparzer gives us with extraordinary abundance of sensuous details.

49 examples of  personal life  in sentences