265 examples of perturbing in sentences

" It was a perturbing thought, but at any rate we were safe for the moment, and I resolved to say nothing to alarm the others.

If the law of gravitation held exactly at so great a distance from the sun, there must be some perturbing force acting on it besides all the known forces that had been fully taken into account.

No, for then it would perturb Saturn and Jupiter also, and they were not perturbed by it.

A volcano, like all Martial volcanoes very feeble, and never bursting into eruptions seriously dangerous to the dwellers in the neighbouring plains, existed at some miles' distance, and caused earthquakes, or perhaps I should more properly say disturbances of the surface, which threatened occasionally to perturb the observations.

Jake's voice was perturbing.

Observe this: the abstraction of the philosopher is meant to keep the object itself, with its perturbing suggestions, out of sight, allowing only one quality to fill the field of vision; whereas the abstraction of the poet is meant to bring the object itself into more vivid relief, to make it visible by means of the selected qualities.

In his own researches he should extricate himself from the perturbing influences of emotion, and consequently he should protect us from such suggestions in his exposition.

It suffices us to know that they are not new nor peculiar difficulties,that, as Darwin's theory and our reasonings upon it did not raise these perturbing spirits, they are not bound to lay them.

Then there is a love-story which, in spite of misunderstandings, is never really perturbing, andas a spicea fortune telling lady who in such respectable society is as near to being naughty as doesn't matter.

To bridge the apparent gap between my arrival and the perturbing catastrophe referred to, it is only necessary to add that if you enter from the main route from Hazebrouck you will find just off the road a convoy of some sixty dear things seeing as much life as can be beheld while groping into the insides of the Red Cross motor ambulance which it is their job to feed, wash, coax and drive.

It would seem, however, that if our inference genuinely had imparted new knowledge, the event must be merely psychological; for how can any process or event perturb, or add to, the completed totality of truth in itself?

" The same mail that brought Larry's letter brought one also to Ted from Madeline Taylor, a letter which made him wriggle a little internally, and pull his forelock, as was his habit when things were a bit perturbing.

She roused herself to think of other people, to forget Alan Massey and his wonderful voice which had said such perturbing things.

" She spoke in a low monotone and with no tinge of resentment, but her words had an immediate and perturbing effect on Popova, who stared at her wide-eyed and seemed unable to find his voice.

He played two of his great concert pieces, and their intricate melodiesbrocaded, embroidered, festoonedpoured themselves through the windows into the garden in a procession majestic and impassioned, perturbing the intent soul of the solitary listener, swathing her in intoxicating sound.

The work of destruction is all the more perturbing to timorous spirits, and more harassing even to doughtier spirits, for being done impalpably, indirectly, almost silently and as if by unseen hands.

None the less, Dom Manuel opened a window, at his fine home at Storisende, on a fine, sunlit, warmish morning (for this was the last day of April) to confront an outlook more perturbing than his hard vivid eyes had yet lighted on.

Within the four walls where the stir and glare of the world are shut out, and every voice is subdued,where a human being lies prostrate, thrown on the tender mercies of his fellow,the moral relation of man to man is reduced to its utmost clearness and simplicity: bigotry cannot confuse it, theory cannot pervert it, passion, awed into quiescence, can neither pollute nor perturb it.

Something extraordinary was perturbing the crew.

This relative was his nephew, a son of Blanes, the manufacturer of knit goods, who had fled from Barcelona at the outbreak of the war with other boys devoted to singing Los Segadores and perturbing the tranquillity of the "Consul of Spain" sent by Madrid.

Emotion was perturbing his sensibilities, but there yet lived in his mind Freya's last words on coming out of the jail.

This was perturbing, but as the mistake was not ours, we decided not to allow ourselves to be baulked of a trip for which we had surrendered an expedition to Shisha Nag, beyond Pahlgam.

This emotion is a distinct and isolated gratification following a distinct action, and may therefore be easily separated from that habitual placidity of temper which results from the extinction of vicious and perturbing impulses.

These rugged water-sheds inclose, configure, temper, fertilize, and also perturb, the great scenes and stretches of history.

But she is gestating, and gestation with her is always perturbing.

265 examples of  perturbing  in sentences