74 examples of petrovich in sentences

R71181, 8Dec50, Knights of Columbus (PWH) JEALOUSY; ENEMIES; THE LAW OF THE SAVAGE, by Mikhail Petrovich Artzybasheff; translated by Frida Strindberg.


SEE Kataev, Valentin Petrovich.

Peter Andreich himself wished to see his son, but Ivan Petrovich merely sent letters in reply.

Ivan Petrovich once more became bored, once more he was allured into the distance, into that world in which he had grown up, and in which he felt himself at home.

Ivan Petrovich was at that time amusing himself in Paris, having retired from the service soon after the year 1815.

X. Ivan Petrovich returned to Russia an Anglomaniac.

But strange to say, while becoming an Anglomaniac, Ivan Petrovich had also become a patriot,at all events he called himself a patriot,although he knew very little about Russia, he had not retained a single Russian habit, and he expressed himself in Russian oddly.

But the moment that the conversation turned upon serious topics, Ivan Petrovich immediately began to give utterance to such expressions as "to render manifest abnormal symptoms of enthusiasm," or "this is extravagantly inconsistent with the essential nature of circumstances," and so forth.

In all that related to house-keeping, and also to the administration of the estate (for with these things too Glafira interfered)in spite of the intention often expressed by Ivan Petrovich "to breathe new life into the chaos,"all remained on the old footing.

Only the obrok[A] remained on the old footing, and the barshina[B] became heavier, and the peasants were forbidden to go straight to Ivan Petrovich.

Ivan Petrovich's system was applied in its full development only to Fedia.

Until the return of Ivan Petrovich from abroad, Fedia remained, as we have already said, in the hands of Glafira Petrovna.

Such did Ivan Petrovich find him when he returned; and, without losing time he at once began to apply his system to him.

Ivan Petrovich, on his side, wrote instructions for him in French, in which he styled him mon fils, and addressed him as vous.

When Fedia reached the age of sixteen, Ivan Petrovich considered it a duty to inspire him in good time with contempt for the female sexand so the young Spartan, with the first down beginning to appear upon his lips, timid in feeling, but with a body full of blood, and strength, and energy, already tried to seem careless, and cold, and rough.

Ivan Petrovich spent the greater part of the year at Lavrikithat was the name of his chief hereditary estate; but in winter he used to go by himself to Moscow, where he put up at a hotel, attended his club assiduously, aired his eloquence freely, explained his plans in society, and more than ever gave himself out as an Anglomaniac, a grumbler, and a statesman.

Ivan Petrovich's intimate friends and acquaintances underwent a heavy tribulation.

Another year passed and Ivan Petrovich suddenly broke down, became feeble, and utterly gave way.

The change which had taken place in Ivan Petrovich, produced a strong impression on the mind of his son.

The young Lavretsky was just getting ready to go to Moscow, with a view to preparing himself for the university, when a new and unexpected misfortune fell on the head of Ivan Petrovich.

XIII Varvara Pavlovna's father, Pavel Petrovich Korobine, a retired major-general, had been on duty at St. Petersburg during almost the whole of his life.

Pavel Petrovich's form, which, though heavy, was not devoid of martial bearing, began to appear in the drawing-rooms frequented by the best society of Moscow.

Pavel Petrovich understood how to hold his own in society.

It is possible that Pavel Petrovich would not have disdained to occupy himself with the affairs of even an utter stranger.

74 examples of  petrovich  in sentences