2158 examples of pets in sentences

I let them out and, they came backthey are sweet pets.

"I am exceedingly fond of flowers; they have been my only amusement except the training of my pets.

"He told us he had reason to fear some unscrupulous fellows were hanging around this region and meaning to steal his pets when they got half a chance.

" "I have never found that it made my children more rough to play with their pets," said Mrs. Morris.

They were delighted with my choice, and it was very amusing to see them scurrying about to provide food and shelter for their pets and hear their consultations with other boys.

" I often heard the Morrises speak of the foolish way in which some people stuffed their pets with food, and either kill them by it or keep them in continual ill health.

She was so fond of pets of all kinds, that she never thought of being afraid of them.

She was not the kind of a young lady to go into the street with a dog that would not behave himself, and she was never willing to attract attention to herself by calling out orders to any of her pets.

He was very fond of what he called "his yellow pets," yet he never kept a pair of birds or a goldfish, if he had a good offer for them.

He was very much pleased, but looked sober when he thought of his pets.

Miss Laura used to wear a little silver whistle that she blew when she wanted any of her pets.

The Morris pets were all fond of music.

Through the summer I had often seen carriages at the door, and ladies and gentlemen in light clothes walking over the lawn, and sometimes I smelled nice things they were having to eat They did not keep any dogs, nor pets of any kind, so Jim and I never had an excuse to call there.

The children took some of their pets with them, and the others they left at home for their mother to take care of.

"Don't let your pets be a worry to other people," she often said to them, "or they will dislike them and you too.

A curly-headed Greek boy hardly eight years old came running from the outer corridorall laughterone of those spoiled favorites of fortune whom it was the fashion to keep as pets.

And in an adjoining room a female voice (my friend could never tell whether child's or woman's, for he never saw any one) overflowed in tones of endearment on some unresponding creature,he could never guess whether it was a baby, or a bird, or a cat, or a dog, or a lizard, (the French have such pets sometimes,) or an enchanted prince, like that poor half-marble fellow in the "Arabian Nights."

Now I dare say he or I might have found social sympathies, by hunting them up; but he didn't, and I dare say he was to blame, as I should be in the same situation,and I am willing to place myself in the same category with the menagerie-loving old lady, above referred to, omitting the feathered and canine pets.

In one of her pets, I suppose!

Sometimes you can see one of them at a temple deliberately permit his pets to sting him on the arm, and he will show you the blood flowing.

" He mentions that he himself purchased a young bear, and adds: "The red races are fond of pets and treat them kindly; and in purchasing them there is always the unwillingness of the women and children to overcome, rather than any dispute about price.

how those horses are enjoying itaren't they pets?

(Tropical fishes as pets) 16 color illus.

Mister Peck's pets.

The Standard book of household pets.

2158 examples of  pets  in sentences