21 examples of phalange in sentences

The phalanges of the two outer toes in each foot disappear, their metacarpal and metatarsal bones being left as the "splints.

These bones are classified as follows: Upper Arm: Scapula, or shoulder-blade, Clavicle, or collar bone, Humerus, or arm bone, Forearm: Ulna, Radius, Hand: 8 Carpal or wrist bones, 5 Metacarpal bones, 14 Phalanges, or finger bones, making 32 bones in all.

The phalanges, or finger bones, are the fourteen small bones arranged in three rows to form the fingers.

The thigh bone corresponds to the humerus; the tibia and fibula to the ulna and radius; the ankle to the wrist; and the metatarsus and the phalanges of the foot, to the metacarpus and the phalanges of the hand.

The thigh bone corresponds to the humerus; the tibia and fibula to the ulna and radius; the ankle to the wrist; and the metatarsus and the phalanges of the foot, to the metacarpus and the phalanges of the hand.

The bones of the lower limbs may be thus arranged: Thigh: Femur, or thigh bone, Lower Leg: Patella, or knee cap, Tibia, or shin bone, Fibula, or splint bone, Foot: 7 Tarsal or ankle bones, 5 Metatarsal or instep bones, 14 Phalanges, or toes bones, making 30 bones in all.

The bones of the foot, 26 in number, consist of the tarsal bones, the metatarsal, and the phalanges.

The phalanges are the fourteen bones of the toes,three in each except the great toe, which, like the thumb, has two.

Hand | 5 Metacarpal Bones, \ \ 14 Phalanges.

Foot | 5 Metatarsal Bones, \ \ 14 Phalanges.

Thus the first row is formed by the ends of the metacarpals, the second by the ends of the first phalanges, and the third by the ends of the second phalanges.

Thus the first row is formed by the ends of the metacarpals, the second by the ends of the first phalanges, and the third by the ends of the second phalanges.

Phalanges (Gr. phalagxi, a body of soldiers closely arranged in ranks and files).

But here you have shown six of the bones of the hand: two metacarpals, the os magnum, and three phalanges; and they all have egg-patches on the palmar surface.

His horror is increased when one of the lads bears to him a revolting trophy, which has been found just outside the window; it is the front phalanges of three fingers of a human hand.

THE NAVICULAR BONE, SHUTTLE BONE, OR SMALL SESAMOID.Placed behind the articulating point of the second and third phalanges, this small shuttle-shaped bone assists in the formation of the pedal articulation.

Continuing its course, it passes between the bifurcating portions of the extremity of the perforatus, glides over the smooth posterior surface of the supplementary glenoid cartilage of the articulation of the first and second phalanges, plays over the inferior surface of the navicular bone, and finally becomes inserted into the semilunar crest of the os pedis.

On reaching the first phalanx, a portion of the remaining force is passed on to the front of the phalanges and loses itself in front of the hoof, while the other portion is transmitted to the flexor tendons, finally to the perforans, and to the posterior parts of the foot.

Barrels of white and red wine had been decanted into bottles, and with American and German beer stood in phalanges beside the milky banana columns, and from these all replenished their polished beakers of the dark nuts.

Some Greek words in x change that letter to ges; as, larynx, larynges, for larinxes; phalanx, phalanges, for phalanxes.

'Defendit numerus, junctæque umbone Phalanges.' Juv.

21 examples of  phalange  in sentences