8 examples of phanes in sentences

The Greek's calm and noble manner impressed Cambyses favourably, and his hostility was entirely overcome when the stranger revealed to him that he was Phanes, the famous commander of the Greek mercenaries in Egypt, and that he had come to offer his service to Cambyses.

Phanes now related how, on approaching Babylon by the royal post, just before midnight, they heard some cries of distress, and found three fierce-looking fellows dragging a youth towards the river; how with his Greek war-cry he had rushed on the murderers, slain one of them, and put the others to flight; and how he discoveredso he thoughtthe youth to be none other but Bartja, whom he had met at the Egyptian court.

Phanes then advised him to send for Oropastes and Mandane, whose examination elicited the full truth.

Cambyses had all the prisoners set free, gave Phanes his hand to kissa rare honourand, greater honour still, invited him to eat at the king's table.

Phanes gave him the pretext.

When, owing to the intrigues of Psamtik, Amasis' son, Phanes fell into disgrace and had to fly for his life, his little son was seized and cruelly murdered by his persecutors.

Phanes had sworn revenge.

The rest is known to all students of historyhow Cambyses, with the help of Phanes, defeated Psamtik's host at Pelusium and took possession of the whole Egyptian Empire; how, given more and more to drink and fearful excesses, he set up a rule of untold terror, had his brother Bartja murdered in another fit of jealousy, and finally suffered defeat at the hands of the Ethiopians.

8 examples of  phanes  in sentences