133 examples of philosophizes in sentences

Now when we engage in explanations and discussions of principles, theories, broad social topics, and the likewhen we expound, moralize, or philosophize,our subject matter is general.

Upon the same spot was the favorite residence of Lorenzo Magnifico; concerning whose probable ponderings, as he sat upon his terrace, with his legs dangling over Florence, much may be learned from the guide-book of the immortal Murray, so that he who runs may read and philosophize.

Still it must not be supposed that the majority really philosophizes at all even to this extent.

" Dr. E. Seguin, our Commissioner of Education to the Universal Exhibition at Vienna, philosophizes most charmingly on children's toys in his Report (chapter on the Training of Special Senses).

He argues highly and well with the supposed Sir Topas, and philosophizes gallantly upon his straw.

" "Good!" replied the major, "but in your own interests you would be wiser to philosophize with your books, and seek the key to the sciences, rather than that of the fortress.

It is right that you should philosophize; but you ought to have some brains also; all this that you are doing is silly.

And to philosophize is this, to examine and confirm the rules; and then to use them when they are known is the act of a wise and good man.

is the first business of him who philosophizes?

A man who has a fever may say: If I philosophize any longer, may I be hanged: wherever I go, I must take care of the poor body, that a fever may not come.

It is impossible to philosophize ourselves out of this sensible position.

To the student of religions the interest of the Myth is not that of an infantile attempt to philosophize, but as it illustrates the intimate and immediate relations which the religion in which it grew bore to the individual life.

The variations in philosophy, which, on the assumption of the unity of truth, are a rock of offense to many minds, may be explained, on the one hand, by the combination of complex variety and limitation in the motives which govern philosophical thought,for it is the whole man that philosophizes, not his understanding merely,and, on the other, by the inexhaustible extent of the field of philosophy.

Moreover, as it is our spirit which philosophizes and not God's spirit in us, so the faith through which man appropriates Christ's merit is a free action of the human spirit, the capacity for which is inborn, not infused from above; in it, God acts merely as an auxiliary or remote cause, by removing the obstacles which hinder the operation of the power of faith.

But to scenes of real woe, Where a wretch is truely dying, Wherefore do such numbers go, What can be the joy of sighing? Men of thought, who soar serene, And loftily philosophize, Will say they seek the solemn scene, To contemplate and sympathize.

He muses, philosophizes, utters the most profound observations upon life, art, and the mystery of things.

He wrote to Körner: "It is precisely for the sake of artistic creation that I wish to philosophize.

They are also characterized by similar vagueness of thought and vividness of fancy, in those passages where sensibility turns theorist and philosophizes on its gratified or battled sensations,while they generally evince wider culture, larger superficial experience of life, a more controlling sense of the beautiful, and an equal facility of self-abandonment to the passion of the moment.

He may have strong inclinations in certain directions, as, for instance, to paint or to write or to investigate or to philosophize, but, as a rule, he does not make his living from following these ambitions.

Individuals and nations can philosophize and reason and make compromises when they are calm; but let them be moved by fear and hatred, and these emotions will sweep away every other feeling.

Starting off abruptly with a mock physiologic disquisition upon the importance of a proper ordering of their mental states on the part of the intending progenitors of children, he philosophizes gravely on this theme for two or three chapters; and then wanders away into an account of the local midwife, upon whose sole services Mrs. Shandy, in opposition to her husband, was inclined to rely.

"I do not wish to philosophize," he answered.

One dynasty had supplanted another; and an epoch, over which the statesman ponders and the historian philosophizes, appeared to be as much a matter-of-course sort of thing as the removal of one family from a mansion to make room for another.

It is by no means difficult to philosophize after this fashion; but if we are to have many professors of such philosophy, let the mediaeval cap-and-bells, by all means, be reproduced.

* X. philosophizes: "Take the word 'nose.'

133 examples of  philosophizes  in sentences