19 examples of phonetically in sentences

A year before the War he found himself in a seminary in the suburbs of Berlin, learning to cough his vowels, roll his r's and utter German phonetically.

PRONUNCIATION OF PROPER NAMES NOTE.The pronunciation of difficult words is indicated by respelling them phonetically.

It would be English, very slightly simplified and regularised, and phonetically spelt.

A joint committee on education, appointed to inquire into its merits by the Senate, in 1851, reported that there was evidence tending to show"That it will enable the pupil to learn to read phonetically in one-tenth of the time ordinarily employed.

I lacked the touch of the literary diner-out; and I had, as the reader will probably find to his cost, the classical tradition which makes all the persons in a novel, except the comically vernacular ones, or the speakers of phonetically spelt dialect, utter themselves in the formal phrases and studied syntax of eighteenth century rhetoric.

For, like the child who thought that "suffered under Pontius Pilate" was "suffered under a bunch of violets," she heard her proverbs phonetically and reproduced them thus.

One of his famous expressions, the most formidable rival of sine die (which, as the reader has doubtless discovered, he intended as an elegant synonym for without fail), was entirely originalthis was "Granny to Mash" (I spell phonetically), used as an exclamation, and only employed when laboring under great mental excitement.

Phonetically spelt, they might lose the last traces of any such story.

"Republics," if spelt phonetically, might actually forget to be public.

"Holidays," if spelt phonetically, might actually forget to be holy.

But I am not sure that he would succeed any the better n remembering this obligation of romantic grace if his name were spelt phonetically, supposing that it could be spelt phonetically.

But I am not sure that he would succeed any the better n remembering this obligation of romantic grace if his name were spelt phonetically, supposing that it could be spelt phonetically.

Some spelling-reformers, I am told, in the poorer parts of London do spell his name phonetically, very phonetically.

Some spelling-reformers, I am told, in the poorer parts of London do spell his name phonetically, very phonetically.

I rendered them phonetically from the pronunciation of a young Apache whom I hired to teach me the language.

In dealing with Maori names, Mr. Earle, having at that period no standard of orthography to guide him, followed the example of Captain Cook in spelling words phonetically.

Through the mistakes of clergymen, court clerks, registrars, and others who had difficulty in pronouncing Gaelic names, letters became inserted or dropped and the names were written down phonetically.

"He pronounces the English tongue as it is pronounced by no other man, woman or child," wrote the critic, and proceeded to give a phonetically spelled version of Irving's delivery of Shylock's speech of Antonio.

Its words are all spelled phonetically, and have only a few sounds which are foreign to English; but its grammar is exceptionally involved and intricate.

19 examples of  phonetically  in sentences