6019 examples of phrases in sentences

Can any one refuse to exhort, who is true-hearted?" Speaking of the preparation of Government Notifications in his day he said, "P'i would draw up a rough sketch of what was to be said; the Shishuh then looked it carefully through and put it into proper shape; Tsz-yu next, who was master of the ceremonial of State intercourse, improved and adorned its phrases; and Tsz-ch'an of Tung-li added his scholarly embellishments thereto.

I used to know plenty of stirring phrases suitable to young men setting out for the wars.

She loved fine phrases as she loved fine clothes.

Both the Emperor and the Cardinal deceived themselves in supposing that the dangers to which the Greek nation and the Christian Church were exposed would induce the orthodox to yield something of their ecclesiastical forms and phrases.

The varied tones of animation, and the phrases uttered by the players, on different parts of the green, came through the quiet air with a cheery ring.

These, and such like phrases of the game, came distinctly from the green into the highway that quiet evening.

So they sent answers to St. Petersburg, apparently favorable; but wrapped in their phrases were hints of difficulties, reservations, impossibilities.

But not as yet did he reveal to the king and queen who he was, or whence he had come; only in brief terms he related his being cast upon their shores, his sleep in the woods, and his meeting with the princess Nausicaa: whose generosity, mingled with discretion filled her parents with delight, as Ulysses in eloquent phrases adorned and commended her virtues.

It was accepted as the "pastime of gentlemen," "the sport of kings;" and though we may quote the phrases to-day with kindling sarcasm, yet they open a very different vision from that of the older inroads by unknown hordes, frenzied with the passion and the purpose of the brute.

and I had occasion to admire his great dexterity, and his affluence of words and phrases.

Such terms as 'stemming the waves with the taffrail,' for instance, or some of those knowing phrases we have lately heard?" Wilder kept his own keen look on the countenance of the other, as he thus questioned him, and seemed to ponder long before he ventured on a reply.

The phrases of the noble Canon Chaucer have fallen to the lips of peasants and grooms, while many a pert Cockney saying has elbowed its sturdy way into her Majesty's High Court of Parliament.

We have an aristocracy of language, whose phrases, like the West-End men of "Sibyl," are effeminate, extravagant, conventional, and prematurely worn-out.

There is a style and a class of words and phrases belonging to country newspapers, and to the city weeklies which have the largest bucolic circulation, which you detect in the Congressional eloquence of the honorable member for the Fifteenth District, Mass., and in the Common-School Reports of Boston Corner,a style and words that remind us of the country gentry whose titles date back to the Plantagenets.

It points to a class of phrases which are indigenous to various localities of the land, in which the native thought finds appropriate, bold, and picturesque utterance.

Of them is the large family of political phrases.

Whence come these phrases few can tell.

In the seaboard towns nautical phrases make tarry the talk of the people.

(Two phrases only have that dusky race Caught from the learned influence of the place; Phrases in their simplicity sublime, "Scramble a copper!"

(Two phrases only have that dusky race Caught from the learned influence of the place; Phrases in their simplicity sublime, "Scramble a copper!"

The young man cordially returned Bob's regard, and the two were sincere friends without any phrases on the subject.

"In the Greek, Latin, Saxon, and German tongues, some of these situations are termed CASES, and are expressed by additions to the Noun instead of by separate words and phrases.

It had placed the moneyed classes securely in the saddle, though with fine phrases that seemed not to mean this.

" Sharon turned back to the car, grumbling incoherent phrases.

Still, behind his sudden awakening in Hyde Park, all was a misty blank, from which faces and places and even phrases started out, for the most part unverifiable.

6019 examples of  phrases  in sentences