4128 examples of physician in sentences

[Footnote 1: 'Mrs Jane Clarke' this lady, the wife of Dr Clarke, physician at Epsom, died April 27, 1757, and is buried in the church of Beckenham, Kent.]

He was a politician, a poet, a physician, a historian, a translator, a writer of travels, a dramatist, a novelist, a writer on medical subjects, and a miscellaneous author.

Amafinius Ambitu, lex de Anio, the river Anna Perenna, festival of Annona Antioch Antiochus (the physician) Antium, Cicero's villa at Antony Apodyterium Apollinares, Ludi.

Imagination the tool, and the body the plastic material," said a famous physician, who was also a practical man of the world;and the poet who identifies his will and imagination with the eternal truths, who looks up to the stars instead of down into the mud, may always, even in his weariest hours, cheer himself by mental companionship with the other resolute souls whose pens have been used as swords in the service of Divine Beauty.

Fortunately, a Scotch physician, of the name of Brown, was proceeding in the service of the empress as far as the province of Kolyvan, who offered him a seat in his kabitka, and thus assisted him on his journey for more than three thousand miles.

Dr. Otis, his able physician, finding that it was impossible to give him the necessary attendance at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, put him into his own carriage and drove him to the Hospital of St. Luke's, where he confided him to the care of Dr. Leaming, himself also visiting him daily.

His physician has allowed one friend only to see him daily for five minutes, and removed him to St. Luke's Hospital for the sake of the absolute quiet, comfort, and intelligent attendance he could secure there, and for which he was glad to pay munificently.

It was originally written by Charles Knowlton, M.D., an American physician, whose degree entitles him to be heard with respect on a medical question.

A physician wrote of his hospital experience, saying that it taught him that "less dangerous preventive checks to large families [than over-lactation] should be taught to the lower classes".

Behind them, again, was the first valet of the wardrobe, followed by Fagon, the first physician, Telier, the head surgeon, and three pages in scarlet and gold who bore the royal clothes.

The yearly cost of maintenance and superintendence, reckoned at $20 for clothing, $15 for corn, molasses and tobacco, $1 for physician's fees, $10 for overseer's wages and $15 for tools and repairs, he said, would be the same whether the slaves were hired or bought.

Flush times then raised them in such wise that the contractors digging a canal on the Georgia coast found themselves obliged in 1838 to offer $18 per month together with the customary weekly rations of three and a half pounds of bacon and ten quarts of corn and also the services of a staff physician as a sort of substitute for life and health insurance.

I want my private physician to tell me whether this or that food will kill me.

By the adding of ian: as, music, musician; physic, physician; theology, theologian; grammar, grammarian; college, collegian.

People began to translate the great Materia Medica of the Greek physician, Dioscorides of Anazarba, and to comment upon it.

In 1554 there was published the first great Herbal, that of Rembertus Dodonaeus, body-physician to the Emperor Maximilian II., who wrote in Dutch.

He brings a worse accusation against Gerard, if I understand him rightly to charge him with using Dr. Priest's manuscript collections after his death, without giving that physician the credit of his labours.

He became ill, and Dr. Gibbons, the great fashionable physician of the day, was called in to attend him.

In passing, the editor remarks that the physician here named was one of the most eminent who had ever practised in England.

I can't get himI mean he won'tI've had some experience of him as a physician, but I look on him as, in that sense, no better than a paralytic mind, an intellect half dead.

You are a philosophic physician.

There is no one affliction of mortality more easily and certainly reducible, with a little patience, and a rational confidence in the physician.

Every intelligent physician who will give thought and diligence to the task, will effect a cure.

Nevertheless, Mr. Harding and Mr. Bold were acquainted with each other, and were friends in spite of the great disparity in their years; for John Boldwhose father had been a physician in London, who had bought property in Barchester and retired to die therewas not more than twenty-seven years old at this time.

Another bystander, who had run round outside the railing, seized Brooks by the arm about the same instant; and the wounded man was borne to an adjoining room, where he was cared for by a hastily summoned physician.

4128 examples of  physician  in sentences