6 examples of piacere in sentences

[Fr.], a discretion; al piacere

CHAPTER VI ELEANORA DEGLI ALBIZZI SFORZA ALMENI CAMMILLA DE' MARTELLI Pathetic Victims of Fateful Passion "Di fare il piacere di Cosimo"To serve for Cosimo's pleasure!

In view of favours to come, he plainly intimated that Eleanora was quite at his disposal, or, as he put it, quite courtier-like, di fare il piacere di Cosimo!

The Cosa di Cosimoper il piacere di Cosimo! as time-serving, unfatherlike Messer Luigi degli Albizzi called the immolation of his fair young daughter, had become the Bride of Christ!

Et egli replicò, 'Ne può piacere il vedere il suo in man d' altri.' Guarini would hardly have acknowledged his indebtedness to Tasso in the way of art, but he drew on all sources for the incidents of his plot, and, since he appears to have valued a reputation for scholarship above one for originality, he recorded a fair proportion of his borrowings in his notes.

Dal cor si move un spirito in vedere D'in ochi'n ochi, di femina e d'omo Per lo quel si concria uno piacere.

6 examples of  piacere  in sentences