Do we say pic or pick

pic 232 occurrences

"Yonder is the spot where we have so long been accustomed to resort for Pic-Nics," said Eve, pointing out a lovely place, that was beautifully shaded by old oaks, and on which stood a rude house that was much dilapidated, and indeed injured, by the hands of man.

CHAPTER IX A WINTER PIC-NIC Hal and Mab started off on their race so evenly that neither one was ahead of the other.

A few days after that Daddy Blake asked the children: "How would you like to go on a winter picnic?" "A winter pic-nic!" cried Hal.

That will be our winter pic-nic."

" "I hope it doesn't snow until we have our pic-nic on the ice," exclaimed Hal, as he jumped out of bed, and began to dress.

They had to get the meal and also put up the lunch for the printer pic-nic.

"Oh, we're going on a pic-nic, Mary!"

" "Well, do you like my little surprise?" asked Daddy Blake as they started off toward the lake, to hold their winter pic-nic.

Far up the Lutour valley, to the extreme left, the Pic de Labassa, or de la Sèbe (9781 ft.), and the Pyramide de Peyrelance (8800 ft.), completed the chief points of the scene in that direction; but far away in the opposite one we could easily see the Argelès valley and the Gothic church of Lourdes.

Behind us, seemingly facing the Cabaliros, were the Col de Riou (6375 ft.), our would-be destination, and the Pic de Viscos.

After a great amount of very rough and steep ascendingthe Pic de Gaube (7644 ft.)

Beyond this last-named building the gorge narrows and extends to the base of the Pic de Ger (8571 ft.).

All great excursions were denied us, as neither the Pic de Ger nor the fatiguing Pic de Gabizos were sufficiently free from snow; while the road to Argelès still remained broken down in three places, and it seemed as though July would disappear ere the terrible gaps made by the avalanches could be built up anew.

The plateau is reached in one hour and a half, not without exertion, and the view over the Pic du Midi d'Ossau is considered wonderfully fine.

The Col de Gourzy and the lofty Pic of the same name tower above Eaux Chaudes, and a route to Eaux Bonneswhich to good pedestrians is well worth the exertionpasses over the former.

[Footnote: The "cocher" called it the Pic d'Estremère, but we had no confirmation of this] to view, that appeared to form an impassable barrier 'twixt France and Spain.

When we reached Laruns we had a fine view of its pointed peak, and through the morning haze the lofty Pic de Ger over Eaux Bonnes looked imposing indeed.

[Illustration: THE PIC DE GER.]

This is delicious to eat cold, and is very useful for pic-nics.

Brawn for Pic-Nic.

A pic-nic party at the foot of Lake SuperiorCanoeSceneryDescent of St. Mary's FallsEtymology of the Indian names of Sault Ste.

I Went with a pic-nic to Gross Cape, a romantic promontory at the foot of Lake Superior.

We carried the elements of a pic-nic.

The custom on these occasions is to make up a pic-nic, in which each one contributes something in the way of cold viands or refreshments.

And perhaps in no country in the world could pic-nic holiday-makers or playful children with more perfect security of life and health stroll about or rest upon Earth's richly enamelled floor from sunrise to sunset on a summer's day.

pick 3368 occurrences

With the latter, who was drowned in 1809, on a passage to Lisbon with his regiment, he spent a considerable portion of his time on the Cam, swimming and diving, in which art they were so expert as to pick up eggs, plates, thimbles, and coins from a depth of fourteen feetincidents recalled to the poet's mind by reading Milton's invocation to Sabrina.

Sarah told me all their names, and she said I might pick as many of them as ever I pleased.

Daffodils were so very plentiful, they were not thought worth gathering, unless they were double ones, and butter-cups I found were very poor flowers indeed, yet I would pick one now and then, because I knew they were the very same flowers that had delighted me so in the journey; for my papa had told me they were.

Some of them began to turn red, and, as we never disobeyed grandmamma, we used often to consult together, if it was likely she would permit us to eat them yet, then we would pick a few that looked the ripest, and run to ask her if she thought they were ripe enough to eat, and the uncertainty what her opinion would be, made them doubly sweet if she gave us leave to eat them.

They broke off sprays of resinous needles as they rode, inhaling the sharp odours; they stooped for handfuls of fragrant sage; they splashed through swampy places where the grass and stalks of lush flowers swept their stirrups, through rock-bound noisy streams where they must pick their way cautiously, and where the horses snorted and shook their heads and Gloria laughed gleefully.

Look at the odds" "The inevitable end," said King sternly, "will be that they'll pick your bones and kick you out.

He felt insanely inclined to pick up her little boots, one after the other, and go down on his knees and kiss them; her hat was a flopsy turban, from under the brim of which the most adorable of golden-brown curls half escaped to throw kiss-shadows on her rosy cheeks.

'Tis not only slander to pick a hole where there is none, but to make that wider which is, so that it appeareth more ugly, and cannot so easily be mended.

He, and three more of the visiters, went and demanded admission; which, being steadily refused them, they obtained by the assistance of a file of soldiers, who forced the doors with pick-axes.

I endeavoured to pick up as many flowers as I could by the way; but as a serious and permanent personal satisfaction to rest upon, my whole reliance was placed on this; and I was accustomed to felicitate myself on the certainty of a happy life which I enjoyed, through placing my happiness in something durable and distant, in which some progress might be always making, while it could never be exhausted by complete attainment.

she said in response to his salutation, "it was nice of you to trouble to pick up an old woman's ball of worsted.

Around camp Clark's crows and Stellar's jays, and occasionally magpies came to pick at the refuse; and of course they were accompanied by the whiskey acks with their usual astounding familiarity.

It is curious to think that the descendants of the great grizzlies which were the dread of the early explorers and hunters should now be semi-domesticated creatures, boldly hanging around crowded hotels for the sake of what they can pick up, and quite harmless so long as any reasonable precaution is exercised.

They sat all day on their little benches, high up in the great black building, with their eyes fixed always on the shallow streams of broken coal passing down the iron-sheathed chutes, and falling out of sight below them; and it was their duty to pick the particles of slate and stone from out these moving masses, bending constantly above them as they worked.

"You see," he explained "my position here, which seems so important to you and the other people round here, and used to seem so important to meisjust nothing at all compared to what has been cast at her feet, as it were, over and over again, for her to pick up if she chose.

He knew that men and women of action pick up knowledge of the world without pausing on their busy way; but he did not know that it is to the silent, the sorrowful, and the solitaryto those who have time to listenthat God reveals the secrets of life.

" I turned round to go away, and I catched my foot in a hank of yarn, and down I come flat on to the ground, havin' sprained my ankle so bad that Russell had to pick me up and carry me into the house like a baby.

"He that will look upon theirs, which have been written till [within] these last ten years [i.e., 1655, when MOLIERE began to write], or thereabouts, will find it a hard matter to pick out two or three passable Humours amongst them.

Whether by intention or inadvertence, he was followed from the auction room by the Princess Sofia and Lady Diantha Mainwaring; and just outside the entrance he found Prince Victor waiting with all the air of a gentleman impatient for a cab to happen along and pick him up out of the drizzle.

If he comes monkeying around me again I'll pick up one of these and knock him clean out from under his hat.

If you can beat the Row, the Game, the Dance-hall And all men's pleasures, that you know are sin; If you can live alone, and not get lonesome Nor heed the "lady" when she says "come in": If you can pick a winner from the "wild cats" And hold and hope when everything looks blue; If you can give up everything you've ever cared for Then ALASKA IS THE ONLY PLACE FOR YOU.

Take your pick.

Now these Rufflers, the outcasts of serving-men, when begging or craving fails them, they pick and pilfer from other inferior beggars that they meet by the way, as rogues, palliards, morts, and doxes.

He walks most commonly with a clove or pick-tooth in his mouth, he is the very mint of compliment, all his behaviours are printed, his face is another volume of essays, and his beard is an Aristarchus.

He puts his foot into heresies tenderly, as a cat in the water, and pulls it out again, and still something unanswered delays him; yet he bears away some parcel of each, and you may sooner pick all religions out of him than one.

Do we say   pic   or  pick