4080 examples of picking up in sentences

With a shout of joy he ran down to the margin, and the rest of that day he spent dabbling in the water, gathering beautiful shells and seaweed and strangely-painted pebbles into heaps, then going on and on again, still picking up more beautiful riffraff on the margin, only to leave, it all behind him at last.

He left the cable carefully open upon the dressing-table, and, picking up the small leather case, left the room.

Colby now borrowed the list, and picking up a pearl from the tray weighed it on Le Drieux's scales and then found a parallel to it on the list.

"What rot we've been talking," observed Smith, rising and picking up his suitcase.

With the wind abeam, they stood on the rest of the day, picking up a pilot.

But I am assured that fish scales were found, after I left the island, in the stomachs of these bats; and that of the fact of their picking up small fish there can be no doubt.

It was not muchonly a dollarbut he was "dead broke," and it was worth picking up.

He stooped and commenced picking up the cards.

I occupied myself for an hour in picking up the reins of government that I had thrown down when I went to Redleaf.

Picking up a daily paper, he pointed to one of their attractive "ads.

This little fleet is commanded by an admiral, and sails every year in the month of May; when it cruizes about during the summer, picking up a few straggling vessels, and returns here to winter; in which time the sailors are twice a week exercised at the great guns.

A little beyond this village a peasant woman, whom I met picking up walnuts from the road that was strewn with them, lifted her wide-brimmed straw hat to me as I passed.

There is Shane, an active, handsome-looking fellow, leaning over the half-door of his cottage, kicking a hole in the wall with his brogue, and picking up all the large gravel within his reach to pelt the ducks withthose useful Irish scavengers.

Loring had no direct evidence to sustain the stock deal theory; but it was morally certain that the Plantagould brokers were picking up Western Pacific by littles wherever they could find it.

He had for sale on the counter an instrument for picking up a lump of sugar in a new way.

He's been coming here with his grub for four days, and picking up a word here and there every time.

This kind of knowledge which Hans had been picking up ever since he was a very young child, made him at twelve years old a most useful little personage, and although he had never learned to read or write, or even been in a school, yet he could not by any means, be called ignorant, for he not only observed and remembered all that came in his way, but he turned his knowledge to the best account, by making it of use to himself and others.

Adrian heard his uncle's slow steps end in the creaking of a chair as he sat down; then the picking up of the receiver.

Able to travel faster than the steers, Mr. Wilder ordered his men to drive to the pool, picking up the fifty head on the way, after which he told them to come to the ranch for a jollification in honor of the capture.

Bob, who had been active in visiting different parts of the ship, watching the sailors at their duties, and picking up bits of information here and there, soon got over his little indignation against those who had played the joke on him.

In later life, Foote tells us, "he frequently used to talk, with great pleasantry, of his distresses on the Continent, such as living on the hospitalities of the friars, sleeping in barns, and picking up a kind of mendicant livelihood by the German flute."

" "Perhaps the smell of the paraffin candle spoiled the aroma of the opium," I suggested; to which Thorndyke made no reply but continued his inspection of the room, pulling out the drawer of the washstandwhich contained a single, worn-out nail-brushand even picking up and examining the dry and cracked cake of soap in the dish.

Winds of summer fields Recollect the way, Instinct picking up the key Dropped by memory.

Picking up a beautiful silk creation she held it up before the admiring crowd.

As for me, I entered laughing, and picking up my glove: 'Ah! mademoiselle, I beg your pardon,' I said to her, 'for having, up to this time, attributed to nature charms, the whole honour of which is due to your ingenuity alone.'

4080 examples of  picking up  in sentences