17 examples of pictorially in sentences

" The amende was so sweetly made that even Lydia Sessions, still exceedingly employed at being pictorially chagrined over the depravity of her neophyte, could but be appeased.

(ii) Or, the matter is presented pictorially (be it fact or symbol) to the outer senses or to the imagination; and then described or "word-painted" according to the writer's own ability.

He cashes the draftsHer Gottnicht kleine!" These prosaic details the Frenchman, pictorially occupied, hardly, heard.

The earliest Saxon who built his stronghold where the castle now stands must have had an eye for situation, pictorially considered, as well as that keen martial foresight which told him that the warrior who commanded the first hill from the sea, with that bastion of natural fortifications behind him, the Downs, had the God of battle already ranged on his side.

Pictorially, there is nothingunless it be a great cathedral, which brings up quite a different order of impressions and sensationsthat gives to the landscape such pictorial effect as a castle.

It will help to prevent mistakes like this and more generally to make sharp and clear the fundamental relations which exist between demand, supply and price, if we exhibit them pictorially in the form of a diagram.

Some short distance above the head of the fall, near the bridge by which the two villages are connected, the scene is pictorially damaged by a stark, staring paper-mill, the dominant colors of which are Solferino-red and pea-green.

The United States Government will use it to illustrate the workings of many of its departments at the World's Fair at St. Louis: the life aboard war-ships, the handling of big guns, army maneuvers, the life-saving service, post-office workings, and, in fact, many branches of the government service will be explained pictorially by this means.

A proposal was made at an Academy dinner a short time ago to label the small towns and villages of Britain with artistic signs giving the name of the place and denoting pictorially or otherwise its leading characteristic.

The paradox was pictorially expressed in Christian art, in which saints were shown brandishing as weapons the very tools that had slain them.

Ghiberti treats the subject pictorially, placing his figures in a landscape, and lavishing attendant angels.

" Yes, now, between Hilary's pages and the Doctor's logic, with Hilary almost as actually present as the physician, the ladies saw why this great Memphis-Chattanooga fighting line was, not alone pictorially, but practically, right at hand!

It expressed pictorially exactly what he felt himself.

" "I meant, represent pictorially.

Henry would never accept anything that was not right theatrically as well as pictorially beautiful.

In front of the Town Hall was almost an acre of transparent painting,meant, that is, to be so after dark, but mournfully opaque and pictorially mysterious in the full glare of sunshine.

"That's a very low-souled view to take of art, no doubt," croaked in a grating treble voice the youth with the club-foot; "but if trees and men and straws are not exactly trees and men and straws, and are not to be represented as trees and men and straws, may I inquire what else they are, and how they are to be pictorially treated?" "They must be ideally treated, Monsieur Valentin," replied Lepany, majestically.

17 examples of  pictorially  in sentences