149 examples of pigment in sentences

Each Volvox-monad, moreover, possesses a red pigment spot, like the simplest form of eye known among animals.

It is only needful to diffuse very finely ground carmine through the water in which they live, and, in a very short time, the bodies of the Colpodoe are stuffed with the deeply-coloured granules of the pigment.

The blood is sea water, to which has been added hemoglobin as a pigment for carrying oxygen to the cells not in direct contact with the atmosphere, nutrients to take the place of the prey our marine ancestors gobbled up frankly and directly, and white cells to act as the first line of defense.

The relation between the adrenal and the skin dates way back in the evolutionary scale, for adrenalin has been isolated directly from pigment deposits in the epidermis of frogs.

Skin pigment bears a direct relation to the reaction of the organism to light, especially the ultraviolet rays, to the radiation of heat, and hence to the fundamental productions and consumptions of energy by the cells.

The adrenal element in the personality must be considered in every disturbance, morbid, personal, or social involving brunette types, Huxley's dark white, Mediterranean-Iberians, red-haired persons, and even pigment-spotted fair people.

The back of the iris is lined with dark pigment, and as the coloring matter is more or less abundant, we may have a variety of colors.

This pigment layer and that of the choroid and retina absorb the light entering the eye, so that little is reflected.

The iris consists of a framework of connective tissue, the surface of which is lined by cells containing pigment, which gives color to the eye.

445. pigment, coloring matter, paint, dye, wash, distemper, stain; medium; mordant; oil paint &c (painting) 556.

And now that the face of the baronet has been smeared with this indelible pigment, all is ready for the tragedy, and Ul-Jabal departs.

Before long, within the freshly painted wooden walls, still sticky with pigment, there could be heard, all day, and sometimes far into the night, the buzz and whir of machinery and other more mystic sounds.

There is an abundance of the most brilliant pigment, but it is still paint,unmitigated ochre and white lead.

(AFTER RANVIER) A, The horny layer of the epidermis; B, the rete mucosum; a, the columnar pigment-containing cells of the rete; b, the polyhedral cells; c, the stratum granulosum; d, the stratum lucidum; e, swollen horny cells; f the stratum squamosum.

In animals that have a coloured skin these cells contain pigment granules.

This origin will explain the absence of pigment from this thin uniting "line," as it does from the horn lining the interior of the wall.

Grey skin, grey eyes, greying hair, careful grey clothesseemingly as void of pigment as one of those sunless things you disclose when you turn over a board that has long lain on the mouldy floor of a damp cellar.

Creswick had a better feeling for nature, but convention in his methods gave place to trick, and I remember his showing me the way in which he produced detail in a pebbly brookside, by making the surface of his canvas tacky and then dragging over it a brush loaded with pigment which caught only on the prominences, and did in a moment the work of an hour of faithful painting.

I then tried to remove the pigment which hid my figures; but the varnish was refractory, and, after a vain attempt, I finally cut the picture up and stuck it in the fire.

It imitated the effect of nature logically, as the pigment imitated the mingling of the vapor with the blue sky; but Ruskin said this was incorrect, and that the colors must be laid like mosaic, side by side, in the true tint.

A mere question of pigment in the eye has settled many a man's fate in life, and established him with a wife who turned out to be very different from the girl he fondly thought he was getting.

The pigment is twirled and heaped with quaint device, until it seems to be beautiful embroidery rather than painting; and the straw-coloured hair, and the blond light on the face, and the unimaginable coquetting of that fan.... No. 2.

The most, indeed, of what he feels and perceives he will recognise to be frankly untranslatable in speech or pigment or musical notes, too high, too sacred, too sublime.

The hairs were uniformly colored with brown pigment!

The third month she was blackened with a certain pigment and began to go about as usual.

149 examples of  pigment  in sentences