6084 examples of piped in sentences

Merrily the brook laughed and sang among the willows, leaping in rainbow-hues over its pebbly bed; sweet piped the birds in brake and thicket, yet of all their music none was there so good to hear as the rich tones of Beltane the Smith.

Millennial shepherds 'neath the thorn Had piped them to a world reborn, And danced Delight the dale along And up the daisied downs.

It was at this same time that the so-called Julian supply of water was piped into Rome and the festival that had been vowed for the successful completion of the war against the assassins was held by the consuls.

From the road, below, a gleeful voice piped: "Goat-men!

"Revere and spare," he piped, at intervals, "revere and spare the Written Word!" All the bright picture lingered with the two alien wayfarers, long after they had passed and the sun had withdrawn from their path.

Le's go!" XXII OUT OF SOUNDINGS When finally Lanyard did consent to seek his stateroomwith the pilot dropped and the Sybarite footing it featly over Channel waters to airs piped by a freshening breezeit was to sleep once round the clock and something more; for it was nearly six in the afternoon when he came on deck again.

Oliver Goldsmith piped, but in Morocco the traveller and stranger physics his way.

But the clerk was busy, and paid no attention to her; so she pressed a little nearer, and piped out again in a louder tone, "Please, I want a valentine.

The wild beasts gathered round Apollo as they did round Orpheus ("There where Orpheus harped of old, And the trees awoke and knew him, And the wild things gathered to him, As he piped amid the broken Glens his music manifold.

And, anyway, no matter how much you may behave like the deaf adder of Scripture which, as you are doubtless aware, the more one piped, the less it danced, or words to that effect, I shall carry on as planned.

piped the pig-tailed Alicia from the piano.

"Oh!" piped Alicia from the window.

Now and then, from the thickets of laurel and arbutus, a shrill shepherd's reed piped some joyous woodland melody.

The frogs have piped here all winterhappy dogs.

Look here, Rachel," he continued, as he laid his hand on a golden locket which lay before him in the shape of a heart, "I have made this to order;" and as he spoke he touched a spring, whereupon a lid opened, and up flew a pair of tiny doves, which, with fluttering wings of gold and azure, immediately saluted each other with their long bills, and piped a few notes in imitation of the cushat.

'Pallor suits you,' he piped gallantly, and then added: 'But do not carry it to extremes.

Tropic birds, the bo's'ns of the sailor, their bodies whitish gray, with their two long tail-feathers, had their haunt there, and piped above the trees.

" "I hope your Honour will remember that the crew had been piped to mischief; besides, there could be no great harm in washing the powder off a few marines.

"Was that 'ole 'alved, too, Sir?" piped Mabel with anxious interest.

" "You want more flowers in this yard, then?" "You'll laugh at what I want!" "Don't you forget what you promithed me," piped up Dicky.

At home once again, the servants and the animals seemed equally glad to see us back; the former looked the picture of happiness, while the dogs jumped and barked; the horses and ponies neighed and whinnied; the monkeys chattered; the cockatoos and parrots screamed; the birds chirped; the bullfinches piped their little paean of welcome....

" "That's right, pop," piped up the lad himself.

Where one innocently piped to his lambs, the other innocently swore at them; and their divergence in intellect and personal cleanliness was immense.

"Six!" added Samuel; and little Benny piped out, "Theven!" "Then bring two bottles, Cato," called out Dorothy.

" I do not know how long our silence lasted; the faintest hint of silver touched the sky above the eastern forest; a bird awoke, sleepily twittering; another piped out fresh and clear, another, another; and, as the pallid tint spread in the east, all the woodlands burst out ringing into song.

6084 examples of  piped  in sentences