6 examples of pista in sentences

Sin duda no traía el bote de sus endiablados untos, porque, á traerlo, seguro que habría atravesado al vuelo la cortadura, dejando á sus perseguidores burlados y jadeantes como lebreles que pierden la pista.

Y la cabalgata se detuvo, y enmudecieron las trompas, y los lebreles dejaron refunfuñando la pista á la voz de los cazadores.

pista, f., scent, trail.

The pista tree, the fruit of which is carried to the Indian market, was seen here in considerable quantities; it is very similar in its growth and foliage to the Dauk of Hindoostan.

As we traversed the higher levels all vegetation ceased, excepting the Pista tree already alluded to; yet there must have been some herbage in the gullies, as we saw several flocks of wild goats, so wild indeed that it was impossible to get within rifle range of them.

But every day repeat the incantation, or in place of it this one: "Huat Hanat Huat Ista Pista Sista Domiabo Damnaustra" Of cakes and salad[40] (LXXV)

6 examples of  pista  in sentences