42 examples of pitie in sentences

But now the pitie of the world!

Play on, play on, and fill the golden skies With cryes and pitie, with your blood; Mens Eyes Wom.

One that in whispering oreheard What pitie 'twas, my Lord, that Pisoe died.

And why was't pitie, sirrah, Pisoe died? Yong.

My Lord, 'twas pitie he deserv'd to die. Poppaea.

The Gods forbid my Prince should pitie need.

Besides, some vertues and some worth he had, That might excuse my pitie to an end So cruell and unripe.

Your pitie shewes your favour and your will, Which side you are inclinde too, had you power: You can but pitie, else should Caesar feare.

Your pitie shewes your favour and your will, Which side you are inclinde too, had you power: You can but pitie, else should Caesar feare.

This benefit at least Sad death shall give, to free me from the power Of such a government; and if I die For pitying humane chance and Pisoes end There will be some too that will pitie mine.

Though not deserv'd, yet once agen I come To warne thee to take pitie on thy selfe.

Once have we tried, Ascanio, for thy sake, And once againe we will his power awake, Not doubting but, as he is of heavenly race, At length he will take pitie on her case.

But th'altare on the which this image staid Was (O great pitie!) built of brickle* clay, That shortly the foundation decaid, 500 With showres of heaven and tempests worne away; Then downe it fell, and low in ashes lay, Scorned of everie one which by it went; That I, it seing, dearelie did lament.

Much was I troubled in my heavie spright, 575 At sight of these sad spectacles forepast, That all my senses were bereaved quight, And I in minde remained sore agast, Distraught twixt feare and pitie; when at last I heard a voyce which loudly to me called, 580 That with the suddein shrill I was appalled.

420 To whom shall I my evill case complaine, Or tell the anguish of my inward smart, Sith none is left to remedie my paine, Or deignes to pitie a perplexed hart; But rather seekes my sorrow to augment 425 With fowle reproach, and cruell banishment?

Spying the tree destroid, the water dride, Himselfe smote with his beake, as in disdaine, And so foorthwith in great despight he dide; That yet my heart burnes in exceeding paine For ruth and pitie of so haples plight.

385 "So when I have with sorrow satisfyde Th'importune Fates which vengeance on me seeks, And th'heavens with long languor pacifyde, She, for pure pitie of my sufferance meeke, Will send for me; for which I daily long, 390 And will till then my painfull penance eeke, Weepe, Shepheard!

shepheards deare delights, That with your loves do their rude hearts possesse, When as my hearse shall happen to your sightes, Vouchsafe to deck the same with cyparesse; And ever sprinckle brackish teares among, 530 In pitie of my undeserv'd distresse, The which, I, wretch, endured have thus long.

To me thy vassall, whose yet bleeding hart With thousand wounds thou mangled hast so sore, That whole remaines scarse any little part; Yet to augment the anguish of my smart, 145 Thou hast enfrosen her disdainefull brest, That no one drop of pitie there doth rest.

Within three painted niches, are the figures of Charity, Mercy, and Pity, round whom are entwined golden scrolls bearing the following inscriptions: "Pour la Pitie Jesu regarde.

Pitie pour les femmes.

A Notre-Dame de Pitie, situated at the Hotel-Dieule-Comte, was found with its head broken.

I pitie him a little.

That none may live, that shall desire to trace us In our black paths, if that Octavio His foster Father, and the sad Jacinta, (Faith pitie her, and free her from her Sorrows) Should fall companions with 'em?

You shall be bob'd, Gentlemen, Stir, and as I have a life, ye goe to prison, To prison, without pitie instantly, Before ye speak another word to prison.

42 examples of  pitie  in sentences