365 examples of placarding in sentences

One day he went to Warrington, and whilst there saw a placard announcing a missionary meeting, at which the Rev. William Roby was to speak.

Michel, however, advised a beginning, but simply by placarding Article 68 of the Constitution.

This placarding was resolutely carried out; at several points our placards were posted by the side of the placards of the coup d'état, which pronounced the penalty of death against any one who should placard the decrees emanating from the Representatives.

'Where is Mr. Morton?' was the usual placard on the evening's contents bills, but after three days had gone by and the worthy Brighton resident was still missing, while Mrs. Morton was seen to look more haggard and careworn every day, mild excitement gave place to anxiety.

There were pedlars' trays fitted with all and every sort of ware, a faro-table, a placard setting forth the fact that the renowned Professor Somebody or Other was a most remarkable phrenologist and worthy of a visit.

First placard of the Committee of Conciliation.

Mrs. Nobbs was up on the step-ladder in front of the placard, so I didn't see it at first, but when I did it muddled me so I just stood there and stared.

Why 'tisstreet!Look at the pump at the other end, that might pass for an abridgment of a parish clerkand see, there comes stalking across the Green the parish beadle, with a great white placard in his hatyou might well mistake him for Alderman 's monument in red brick with the marble tablet on the top of it.

The place was photographed by the reporters with the placard 'For Sale' showin' plainly on the front lawn.

Looking towards the great door of the Cathedral, as they all were doing, it suddenly seemed to me that I saw an illuminated placard attached to it, headed with the word 'Sommation' in gigantic letters.

Thus from moment to moment there appeared before us, in letters that seemed to blaze and flicker, something that looked like a great official placard.

this terrible placard said'Go! leave this place to us who know the true signification of life.'

It was shut, and a placard informed him that Mr. Blank was attending court at the county-seat.

The manner of his death, however, gainsayed the calumny; although so slight had been the respect felt for his sacred office, that the ex-Queen Marguerite had no sooner taken possession of his hôtel, than the following placard was found affixed to the entrance-gate: "Comme Reine, tu devais être En ta royale maison; Comme , c'est bien raison Que tu loge an logis d'un prêtre.

A placard, with the letters "Venice," or "Rome," or whatever, indicated the place of the action.

With the slightest encouragement he would have placarded that arid wilderness with "NO SMOKING IN THE LIFTS," and "BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS," but he had small encouragement, and so he contented himself with a final placard which warned the troops against riding through standing crops and occupying the houses of civilians without permission from the Town-Major.

He was intently regarding a printed placard that hung on the wall beside Winona's bureau.

Almost every one of them was sufficiently drawn by the "Rose House" placard to make inquiries, and several of them bought flowers and potted plants.

Gilbert read it on the door; and yet it could scarcely be the right house; for tied to the door-handle was a placard with "Apartments" engraved upon it, and this house would hardly be large enough to accommodate other lodgers besides Mr. Nowell and his daughter.

The fact being now established to the satisfaction of the authorities that the public is composed almost exclusively of drivelling idiots, a campaign has been instituted for adding to the decorations of London by placarding the walls with hints on how to avoid various violent deaths.

Yet did not all this divert Bovadilla from putting the admiral and his brother in irons; and he allowed the baser people to rail against them in public, blowing horns in triumph about the harbour where they were shipped, besides placarding them in many scandalous libels pasted up at the corners of the streets.

PASQUINO, a cobbler or tailor who lived in Rome at the end of the 15th century, notable for his witty and sarcastic sayings, near whose shop after his death a fragment of a statue was dug up and named after him, on which, as representing him, the Roman populace claim to this day, it would seem, the privilege of placarding jibes against particularly the ecclesiastical authorities of the place, hence Pasquinade.

One Jem Davies described him to me, and I put the description on the placard and in the papers.

As for the gold ring and the tweed suit, they disappeared into space when my placard went up, you may be sure of that, and a felon can paint his face.

One was a placard describing his crime in a few words, and also his person and clothes, and offering 500 guineas reward.

365 examples of  placarding  in sentences