14 examples of planetoids in sentences

Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot.

NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, INC. Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot.

Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot, by Phil Nowlan & Dick Calkins.

Diamond planetoid.

Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot.

NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, INC. Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot.

Buck Rogers 25th century A.D. and The planetoid plot, by Phil Nowlan & Dick Calkins.

Diamond planetoid.

The sun with its specks of planets, its dust of planetoids, and its impalpable comets, swims in a vacant immensity that almost defeats the imagination.

AS`TEROIDS, or Planetoids, small planets in orbits between those of Mars and Jupiter, surmised in 1596, all discovered in the present century, the first on Jan. 1, 1801, and named Ceres; gradually found to number more than 200.

OLBERS, HEINRICH, German astronomer, born near Bremen; discovered five of the comets and the two planetoids Pallas and Vesta (1758-1840).

PIAZZI, Italian astronomer; discovered in 1801 a planet between Mars and Jupiter, which he named Ceres, and the first of the planetoids recognised, as well as afterwards catalogued the stars (1746-1826).

PLANETOIDS, the name given to a number of very small planets revolving between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, originally called Asteroids, all of recent discovery, and the list, amounting to some 400, as yet made of them understood to be incomplete.

PLANETS, bodies resembling the earth and of different sizes, which revolve in elliptical orbits round the sun, and at different distances, the chief of them eight in number, two of them, viz., Mercury and Venus, revolving in orbits interior to that of the earth, and five of them, viz., Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, exterior, the whole with the PLANETOIDS (q. v.) and comets constituting the solar system.

14 examples of  planetoids  in sentences