13513 examples of planted in sentences

Apparently he did not know how to make use of his strength; but when he came to the edge of the forest, he planted his feet on the ground, pushed hard with his antlers, and began to force Antler-Crown back.

At Rho, where I stopped to dine, stands a remarkably ancient tree said to have been planted in the time of Augustus.

For myself I look on the extinction of the Lombard power by Charlemagne to have been a great calamity; had it lasted, the reformation and deliverance of Europe from Papal and ecclesiastical tyranny would have happened probably three hundred years sooner and the Inquisition never have been planted in Spain.

On the right hand side of the road is a deep ravine planted in the style of an English garden, with serpentine gravel walks, and on the other side of the ravine stands the upper part of the city, the Cathedral, Hôtel de Ville, and the Chateau du Bailli, which is the seat of Government.

There is no tombstone on the former, but some shrubs have been planted, and a black wooden cross fixed to denote the spot where he lies.

John still planted before the fireplace, taking, automatically, a small part in the talk just as he went through the minimum of business with his tea, seemed capable of only one significant action, which he repeated at short, irregular intervals.

The case was serious, too, for if that notion of her once got fairly planted in the minds of her public, it would be almost impossible to eradicate it.

TISSOT A height crowned with embattled ramparts that bristle with loop-holed turrets; church towers mingling their graceful spires and peaceful crosses with those warlike edifices; dazzling white villas, planted like tents under curtains of verdure; tall houses with old red skylights on the roofsthis is our first glimpse of the Catholic and warlike city of Lucerne.

It is planted with trees, and counts as the one and only boulevard of the city.

Only one man was moving at a time; when he was firmly planted, the next advanced, and so on.

Immediately we heard Croz's exclamation, old Peter and I planted ourselves as firmly as the rocks would permit; the rope was taut between us, and the jerk came on us both as one man.

It belongs to those weeds of the dunghill which, planted by "an enemy," his hand will assuredly "root up."

Georgia.%The return of the Carolinas to the King in 1729 was very soon followed by the establishment of the last colony ever planted by England in the United States.

The Thirteen English Colonies.%Thus it came about that between 1606 and 1733 thirteen English colonies were planted on the Atlantic seaboard of what is now the United States.

A colony must be planted at the mouth of the Mississippi, to control its navigation and shut out the Spaniards.

Penn was a broad-minded lover of his kind, a man of most enlightened views on government and human rights; and in the colony planted by him there was made a serious effort to treat the Indian as an equal.

It would have been merciful in comparison, if I had planted a dagger in his heart.

The foxgloves and the gorse I planted on my way.

As Meetuck gained the edge of the ice the walrus recovered partially, and tried, with savage fury, to reach his assailant, who planted the harpoon deep in its breast, and held on to the rope while the animal dived.

Strange blossoms, changing every spring like dwellers in a city flat, would not be in good standing with the blue flags that great- (many times great-) grandmother planted, nor with the venerable peonies and day lilies, the lilacs and syringas that remember the day when the elms and magnolias above them were puny saplings.

Having now satisfied himself of the nature of his farm as to soil and capabilities, he sees that new enclosures and shelter will be necessarythat some fields must be subdivided, others laid out anewthat old hedge-rows must be rooted out or straightened, and new ones planted in their room.

The year following I entered Lord Methven's service, and in 1798 planted about sixty acres of the higher moor ground, valued at 2s.

But the fields being divided and the hedges planted, or while those operations are going on, a portion of the land must be subjected to the plough.

On an occasion when one of the Maisons d'Arrets was on fire, guards were planted round, with orders to fire upon those that should attempt to escape.

But the mandates for such celebrations reach not the heart: flowers were gathered, and flags planted, with the scrupulous exactitude of fear;* yet all was cold and heavy, and a discerning government must have read in this anxious and literal obedience the indication of terror and hatred.

13513 examples of  planted  in sentences