100 examples of planter's in sentences

We remembered the eclipse, and Mr. S. having brought with him a piece of broken glass from one of the windows of the 'Magnolia,' I smoked it over a piece of candle which I had brought from Room No. 22 of the Planter's House at St. Louis, and we prepared to see the eclipse.

I got acquainted with a boy that was the planter's son, and while the rest were eating and drinking the boy showed me a pack of hounds that are kept for trailing criminals and negroes who have looked sassy at white women.

Tump and Peter walked on up to the entrance of the Planter's Bank and there awaited Mr. Henry Hooker, the cashier.

The planter's duties.

Over all again comes the JEMADARthe head man over the whole cultivationthe planter's right-hand man.

The Planter's Club is the general rendezvous.

The villagers know all about them, discuss their affairs with the utmost freedom, and not a single thing, ever so trivial, happens in the planter's home but it is known and commented on in all the villages that lie within the ilaka (jurisdiction) of the factory.

" "What!" ejaculated the planter's son.

Perhaps he intends to marry some rich planter's daughter and to get his plantation and negroes in that way.

A planter's fortune in the Brazils is calculated by the number of his slaves.

Another feature in the Barbadoes system was to raise sufficient provisions in the island to maintain the slaves, or, in planter's phrase, to feed the stock, without being dependent upon foreign countries.

Both these privations are detrimental to the planter's work.

We were not left to this recommendation alone, suspicious as it was, to infer the character of this magistrate, for we were advertised previously that he was a "planter's man"unjust and cruel to the apprentices.

Let the croakers remember the remarkable words of the Tory Lord, Belmore, the planter's friend, and be silent"The resources of this fine island will never be fully developed until slavery ceases."

" William Craze, jailor, Alexandria, La. in the "Planter's Intelligencer."

Mr. Baker was the owner of a grocery store; of the others, one was the proprietor of the St. Charles hotel, New Bremen; the second was a young lawyer, the third was a clerk in the "Planter's House."

A planter's home, like the good Highland laird's, seems made of India rubber.

A planter's house on James River reminds one in many ways of the old country.

(New Haven, 1846), reprinted in J.A. Turner, ed., Cotton Planter's Manual, pp. 297-320.

23-25; Thomas Spaulding in the American Agriculturist, III, 244-246; R.F.W. Allston, Essay on Sea Coast Crops (Charleston, 1854), reprinted in DeBow's Review, XVI, 589-615; J.A. Turner, ed., Cotton Planter's Manual, pp.

The fields as well as the buildings commonly radiated from the planter's house.

The planter's own dietary, while mostly home grown, was elaborate.

When the snow begins to fall, our planter's daughters provide hot sand, which at night they place in bags at the bottom of the sleigh.

After putting our cotton on board, I bade Mr. Colburn farewell, and left him to the cares and perplexities of a planter's life.

It is now in a most ruinous and tottering condition, and they inhabit but a few rooms in it; the others are gradually mouldering to pieces, and the whole edifice will, I should think, hardly stand long enough to be carried away by the river, which in its yearly inroads on the bank on which it stands has already approached within a perilous proximity to the old dilapidated planter's palace.

100 examples of  planter's  in sentences