96 examples of plantes in sentences

Neither the Zoological Gardens, nor the Jardin des Plantes, had a rhinoceros!

" You see, dear PUNCHINELLO, the situation was thus: I had undertaken, not indeed without grave misgivings, to propitiate his Majesty, after the failure of the THIERS-BISMARCK negotiations, and, if possible, procure such terms as would save Parisians from the galling necessity of immolating the monkeys of the Jardin des Plantes to the popular demand for something to eat.

There are likewise in this Museum imitations in wax of various plants and shrubs exotic as well as indigenous and the collection of stuffed birds, beasts and fishes and that of insects, mineralogy and conchology scarcely yields to the collection at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris.

When the Giraffe arrived in the Jardin des Plantes, the Parisians had a caricature, in which the ass, and the hog, and the monkey were presenting an address to the stranger, while the elephant and the lion stalked angrily away.

This is very desirable, as the Establishment will then combine similar advantages to those of the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, where the Museum is in the grounds.

The vivaria of the Jardin des Plantes rival those of the Colosseum in magnitude, and excel them in object.

We had a going-away dinner at the Tiare hotel, Landers, Polonsky, McHenry, Hallman, Schlyter, the tailor, and Lieutenant L'Hermier des Plantes, a French army surgeon who was sailing on the Fetia Taiao to the Marquesas to be acting governor there.

McHenry and Lieutenant L'Hermier des Plantes shouted to me to come aboard.

Of the latter we have seen three or four specimensone in a small Museum at Margate, and, we think, two others in the Museum in the Jardin des Plantes, at Paris.

His weight was said to be four thousand pounds, and the bills pompously declared that he had no rival in France, except the elephant in the Jardin des Plantes.

We went to the Jardin des Plantes in order to let the children see the Zoological Garden.

The rest of us went to the Zoological Garden, which is much more ample and interesting than the Jardin des Plantes. 20th.


GERARD'S HERBAL THE HERBALL or General Historie of Plantes.

De l'Etoile au Jardin des plantes.

De l'Etoile au Jardin des plantes.

Invited to Paris to fill the place of Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the Jardin des Plantes, his lectures speedily drew crowds around him, attracted by his popular eloquence and lucid arrangement.

The Jardin du Roi, which became the Jardin des Plantes, has remained unique in Europe.

She pursued her studies in the same manner in the stables of the Veterinary School at Alfort and in the Jardin des Plantes.

The founding of the French Academy and of the Jardin des Plantes, the building of the College of Plessis, and the rebuilding of the College of the Sorbonne, are among the monuments of this part of his statesmanship.

What was this black creature from the Jardin des Plantes?

Angelo de Gubernatis, Mythologie des Plantes (Paris, 1878-1882), i. 185 note 1. Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Second Edition, pp.

On the farther side of the basin, at the right, is a sort of garden or public promenade, having an artificial hillock, like that in the labyrinth in the "Jardin des Plantes."

there is nothing in Paris half so pretty; not even the Jardin des Plantes!" "And have you been there lately?" "Not for eight weeks, at the very least, M'sieur.

"We have bought such sweet, pretty things," continued she, rattling on with all her old volubility, "and we have hired the dearest little appartement on the fourth story, in a street near the Jardin des Plantes.

96 examples of  plantes  in sentences