96 examples of pleiades in sentences

Every one knows the most prominent constellations,the Pleiades, the Great Bear, and Orion.

Many men will hurry a mile to see skyrockets, who never notice Orion and the Pleiades from their own doorstep.

It can never rise on the wings of genius and weigh the stars, nor compute the swing of the Pleiades.

"We'll have to call you the Pleiades.

Hannibal thus appears to have arrived at the pass in the beginning of September; which is quite compatible with the statement that he arrived there "when the winter was already approaching" for sunaptein ten tes pleiados dusin (Pol. iii. 54) does not mean anything more than this, least of all, the day of the heliacal setting of the Pleiades (about 26th October); comp. Ideler, Chronol.

And were I on the axeltree of heaven To note the Zodiaks anuall chaunge and course, The Sunns bryghte progresse and the planetts motyons, To play with Luna or newe lampe the starres, To note Orion or the Pleiades, Or with the sunne guyld the Antipodes, Yet all the glorye, in exchaunge for thee, Would be my torment and heavens crueltye.

But, on the other hand, if his natural relation to the white man be that of slave to master, our Southern brethren have wasted a great deal of time in prohibitory and obscurantist legislation; they might as well have been passing acts to prevent the moon from running away, or to make the Pleiades know their place.

Their spirit may go marching on; it may become immortal and shine with an increasing radiance, perpetual as the sweet influences of the Pleiades.

The cold open sky with its mysterious interstellar spaces, the flow of the black devouring clouds, the reemergence of the immortal Pleiades, remote, inhuman, unaware, brought no tranquillity but only a forlorn human loneliness.

The Pleiades south at 11 h. 8m., and Aldebaran in Taurus, generally called the Bull's Eye, a brilliant star of the first magnitude at 11 h. 56 m.; the upper or northern portion of the constellation Orion at 12-1/2 h., and the lower or southern part at 1 h. morning.

And let him who denies what he cannot comprehend, be addressed in the impressive language of holy writ, "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

He sailed toward the Pleiades from his unknown home in the far West, and arrived at eastern islands.

The marriage had been the wedding of a near-sighted woman and a man who could see hardly anything nearer than the Pleiades.

Had he forgotten "the sweet influences of Pleiades"?

Mr. Cave recognised the Bear, the Pleiades, Aldebaran, and Sirius; so that the other world must be somewhere in the solar system, and, at the utmost, only a few hundreds of millions of miles from our own.

For those sweet stars the Pleiades, That glitter in the darkling trees; O for a lovelorn taper

" It gives a touching sense of human sympathy, to find that we may look at Orion and the Pleiades through the grave eyes of a Puritan divine.

Andromeda, Orion, and the Pleiades are well-known constellations.

"A youth of the Mohawks loved a maid, and they sat by the lake at night, counting the Dancers in the skywhich we call stars of the Pleiades.

This force is Spirit, that can "bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades," and "loose the bands of Orion.

Know thyself, was the first command of reason; and wisdom was an ancient thing when the sweet influences of the Pleiades and the path of Arcturus with his sons were young in human thought.

PLEIADES, in the Greek mythology seven sisters, daughters of Atlas, transformed into stars, six of them visible and one invisible, and forming the group on the shoulders of Taurus in the zodiac; in the last week of May they rise and set with the sun till August, after which they follow the sun and are seen more or less at night till their conjunction with it again in May.

PLEIADES, THE, the name given to the promoters of a movement in the middle of the 16th century that aimed at the reform of the French language and literature on classical models, and led on by a group of seven men, Ronsard, Du Bellay, Belleau, Baïf, Daurat, Jodelle, and Pontus de Tyard.

What the cherry is to the larger and more luscious fruits, or the lily of the valley to glowing and stately flowers, or what the Pleiades are among the grander constellations, my sister's protégée is among women;it is ridiculous to call her Kate's friend.

It was hard to feel that the man there hitting off aptly a prominent personality or historic event mooted in our little human world was at the same time in the planetary confidences, and that when you shook his hand at parting, he would turn to interpreting the sweet influences of the Pleiades and the mysteries of the bands that hold Orion.

96 examples of  pleiades  in sentences