567 examples of plodding in sentences

As I slowly passed the telescope over the face of Europe, I pictured to myself the fat, plodding Hollanderthe patient, contemplative Germanthe ingenious, sensual Italianthe temperate Swissthe haughty, superstitious Spaniardthe sprightly, self-complacent Frenchmanthe sullen and reflecting Englishman who monopolize nearly all the science and literature of the earth, to which they bear so small a proportion.

But, harder even than this, our factory-women and girls have had to turn out; and, plodding a weary way from door to door, beg a bit of bread or a stray copper, that they may eke out the scanty supply at home.

Lenore liked the even, nodding rhythm of the plodding horses, and the way Bill threw a pebble from a sack on his seat, to hit this or that horse not keeping in line or pulling his share.

The mural decorations in the corridor caught his eyethe covered wagon, drawn by oxen plodding patiently into the sunsetthe incoming settlers of the pioneer days.

The teams struck the dusty road that terminated at the fort and were plodding along it to the crackling accompaniment of the long bull-whips.

Now, far away across the meadow, Adam was plodding his homeward way, and, as he trudged, he sang to himself in a harsh, but not unmusical voice, and the words of his song were these: "When I am dead, diddle diddle, as well may hap You'll bury me, diddle diddle, under the tap, Under the tap, diddle diddle, I'll tell you why, That I may drink, diddle diddle, when I am dry.

We men are alternately delighted, humiliated, and terrified when women anticipate our wishes, perceive our weaknesses, and detect our shortcomings, whether we be frisky young colts in the field or sober stagers plodding along between the matrimonial shafts in harness and blinkers.

Monkey and Fox had been plodding, foot by foot, the creaking wagon at their heels, since dawn.

Then the white horse would turn and go plodding on.

His wonderful rapidity of thought was associated with patient, plodding perseverance, a combination rare but mightily effective.

By the side of this fascinating prose, and still more fascinating metrical versatility, Crabbe's resolute and plodding couplets might often seem tame and wearisome.

He is one of those beings who may be aptly termed "machines," a patient, plodding, ox-like creature who takes to the most irksome labor as a flail takes to the sheafs on the threshing-floor.

The cloud seems to part before one, and through the rift you discern your earthly track far away, and a jaded pilgrim plodding along it with weary step; and though the pilgrim does not look like you, yet you know the pilgrim is yourself.

Meanwhile the Tortoise kept plodding on, and in time reached the goal.

Following a boyish habit he had never fully outgrown, Kent had once more taken his problem to the open, and the hour after luncheon time found him plodding wearily back to the end of the car line, jaded, dusty and stiff from much tramping of the brown plain, but with the long duel finally fought out to some despairing conclusion.

Has it never struck you, Fred," he continued, turning to our hero who was plodding forward in silence"has it never struck you that when things in this world get very bad, and we begin to feel inclined to give up, they somehow or other begin to get better?" "Why, yes, I have noticed that; but I have a vague sort of feeling just now that things are not going to get better.

For eight miles I walked by the side of the plodding horses, and encouraged them or whipped them, coaxed or scolded them, as they slowly dragged their lumberous merchandise along the dark and heavy roads.

No proud review, with glittering uniforms and waving flags, would have choked my throat, or dimmed my eyes, as did the sight of that plodding, silent column, half hidden under the dust cloud, uniforms almost indistinguishable, officers and men mingled, the drums still, the only sounds the steady tread, the occasional hoarse shout of command.

With heads bowed, and limbs moving wearily, guns held at will, they swept by in unbroken columncavalry, artillery, infantryscarcely a face lifted to glance toward the house, with here and there a straggler limping to the roadside, or an aide spurring pastjust a stream of armed men, who had been plodding on since daylight, footsore, hungry, unseeing, yet ready to die in battle at their commander's word.

The gray dust cloud hung about us, almost obscuring the files of plodding troopers; to right and left the flankers showed dark against the green of the fields, and far in front an occasional carbine barked as some suspicious scout fired at a skulking figure.

I did not stand gazing on the Ruins of our noble Metropolis; I did not shake my Head, wring my Hands, sigh, and shed Tears; I consider'd with my self what could this avail; I fell a plodding what Advantages might be made of the ready Cash I had, and immediately bethought my self what wonderful Pennyworths might be bought of the Goods, that were saved out of the Fire.

Genius often outstrips the plodding feet of generations.

what plodding chronicler, what prosaic Dryasdust ever went through a greater amount of drudgery than he?

" Both men waited to observe if the suggestion was taken up by the Right and Left Bower moodily plodding ahead.

" "I made a mistake," said Plodding Pete.

567 examples of  plodding  in sentences