6 examples of ploughers in sentences

Several li northeast from the city was the king's field, where the heir-apparent sat under a tree, and looked at the ploughers.

The reapers were busy in the harvest fields; and the ground that is cleared of its burdens gives proof of the diligence of the French farmer; the plougher, if not the sower, literally overtakes the reaper.

Hugh Latimer (1485?-1555): Sermon on the Ploughers.

It is not the real difference between the actual conditions of the two periods but the difference in the dispositions and perceptions of the public mind, that has produced these humane sensibilities and efforts for the elevation of the ploughers, sowers, reapers and mowers who enrich and beautify this favored land with their patient and poorly- paid labor.

"Furthermore, he set in the shield a soft fresh ploughed field, rich tilth and wide, the third time ploughed, and many ploughers therein drove their yokes to and fro as they wheeled about.

He only will succeed here who traces his onward path as patiently as the plougher traces the furrow with his plough.

6 examples of  ploughers  in sentences