156 examples of plur in sentences

pronouns: its derivation from Sax., traced Italic letters, Italics, some account of for what purpose used how denoted in preparing manuscripts J. J, its name and plur.

N. censuring K. K, its name and plur.

preceding L. L, its name and plur.

of sounds which they represent a knowledge of, in what consists infinite variety in, yet the letters always THE SAME different sorts of types, or styles of, used in Eng. names of, in Eng.; do., sing, and plur.

M. M, its name and plur.

represented by a plur.

of, when name and title are to be used together, in a plur.

N. N, its name and plur.

for literally plur.

Numerical figures used for references O. O, lett., as A, E, I, and U, self-naming its plural formation of the plur.

demanding a plur.

P. P, its name and plur.

nouns, elegantly taken as plur.

on the plur.

indefinite plur., put by enall.

of; how should be written of plur.

noun personified Prop. names of individuals, strictly used as such, have no plur.

name, how made plur., and how then considered when they form a plur., how form it of persons, generally designate their sex Prop. name, in appos.

name, how made plur., and how then considered when they form a plur., how form it of persons, generally designate their sex Prop. name, in appos.

with an appellative represented by which, ("Herod WHICH is," &c.) Prop. name and title, when taken together in a plur.

of "improvement" in, which is no improvement confused and discordant explanations, by some, of certain of the marks of Purity, as a quality of style, in what consists Precepts aiming at offences against Pyrrhic, defined Q. Q, its name and plur.

or in the old writers R. R, name and plur.

to the old, how estimated by BROWN his doctrine of a duplicity of the vocal elements, perstringed his strange division of the vowels "into two parts," and conversion of most of them into diphthongs; his enumeration and specification of the alphabetic elements S. S, its name and plur.

T. T, name and plur.

num. format. of the plur.

156 examples of  plur  in sentences