22 examples of poena in sentences

De aliis et seipso sentiebat: ut quoties criminis reos ad poenas letales damnatos audiret, semper cogitaret, saspe diceret: "Quis dixerat annon me sint melioresi Utique, si ipse melior, id non mihi auctori tribuendum esse, palam aio, confiteor; sed ita largienti Deo."Orig.

Veruntamen Rex si peccauerit non occiditur ob reuerentiam, sed quòd sub poena mortis, publicè inhibetur, ne quispiam in Regione ei verbo vel vllo facto communicet,

Ut vobis victi Poeni poenas sufferant.- The fourth line (-augete auxilia vostris iustis Iegibus-) has reference to the supplementary payments imposed on the negligent Latin colonies in 550 (Liv. xxix.

cujus conceptio culpa, Nasci poena, labor vita, necesse mori!

"These spirits," he saith, "which we call angels and devils, are nought but souls of men departed, which either through love and pity of their friends yet living, help and assist them, or else persecute their enemies, whom they hated," as Dido threatened to persecute Aeneas: "Omnibus umbra locis adero: dabis improbe poenas.

Nulla ex poena sit correctio, et

N. N. dat poenas, saith Crato of such a one, utinam non attraheret: he is punished, and is the cause of it himself: Dum fata fugimus fata stulti incurrimus, the thing that I feared, saith Job, is fallen upon me.

"Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede poena claudo.

" "Insidiae humani generis, querimonia vitae, Exuviae noctis, durissima cura diei, Poena virum, nex et juvenum," &c.

Auget haec poenas indies, Centuplicatque flammas," &c. This meditation terrifies these poor distressed souls, especially if their bodies be predisposed by melancholy, they religiously given, and have tender consciences, every small object affrights them, the very inconsiderate reading of Scripture itself, and misinterpretation of some places of it; as, "Many are called, few are chosen.

Intemperantia, luxus, ingluvies, et infinita hujusmodi flagitia, quae divinas poenas merentur.

quis in poenas et risum viveret?

Non est poena damnantis sed flagellum corrigentis.

nasci miserum, vivere poena, angustia mori. 3878.

[kk] Ebrius, ac petulans, qui nullum forte cecidit, Dat poenas, noetem patitur lugentis amicum Pelidae.

ut videas numine laeta patrem; Divinam insontes iram placavit Iesus; Nunc est pro poena poenituisse reis.

Humana autem anima rationalis est, quae mortalibus peccati poena tenebatur, ad hoc diminutionis redacta ut per conjecturas rerum visibilium ad intelligenda invisibilia niteretur; that is, "The human soul is still rational, but in such a manner that, being by the punishment of sin detained in the bonds of death, it is so far reduced that it can only endeavour to arrive at the knowledge of things invisible through the visible.

Then comes the conclusion: "Quicunque eam violavissent ab omnibus esse ei poenas persolutas.

"Lex non poena mors""Death is a law, not a penalty"was the ancient saying.

Or the example mentioned by Scaevola in Dig., 41, 9, 3: Duae filiae intestato patri heres exstiterunt, etc. Callistratus in Dig., 48, 19, 26: crimen vel poena paterna nullam maculam filio infligere potest.

Wednesday, July 7, 1714. 'Adsit Regula, peccatis quæ poenas irroget æquas: Ne Scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello.'

BRIGSON "Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede Poena claudo.

22 examples of  poena  in sentences