34 examples of poete in sentences

Who so thynketh my wrytynge dull and blont And wolde conceyve the colours purperate Of Rethoryke, go he to tria sunt And to Galfryde the poete laureate To Janneus a clerke of grete estate

Chaucer admired Petrarch for his "rethorike sweete" which illumined the poetry of Italy, and was himself in turn loved by Lydgate as the "nobler rethor poete of brytagne," who is called "floure of rethoryk in Englisshe tong," by John Walton.

Opportunely came that high festival at the capital of the world, whereat "Franccis Petrark, the laureat poete, ... whos rethorike swete Enlumined all Itaille of poetrie," received the laurel crown at the hands of the Senate of Rome, with a magnificence of ceremonial surpassed only by the triumphs of imperial victors a thousand years before.

He refers for the conclusion to his original, hight "Dant," the "grete poete of Itaille;" adding, that Dante will not fail his readers a single wordthat is to say, not an atom of the cruelty.

With respect to the knowledge of the science of music I cannot boastbut Rousseau says"Disoit autrefois un sage, c'est an poete à faire de la poesie, et an musicien à faire de la musique; mais il n'appartient qu'au philosophe de bien parle de l'une et de l'autre."

Chopin ou le poete.

Chopin ou le poete.

Edited with introd., notes & appendix (Victor Hugo, le poete humanitaire) by Albert Schinz.

Un poete regarde la croix.

Un poete regarde la croix.

Conseils a un jeune poete, suivi de Conseils a un etudiant.

JACOB, MAX. Conseils a un jeune poete, suivi de Conseils a un etudiant.

Verlaine, poete maudit.

Le Poete assassine.

Le Poete mineur.

Chopin ou le poete.

Chopin ou le poete.

Edited with introd., notes & appendix (Victor Hugo, le poete humanitaire) by Albert Schinz.

Un poete regarde la croix.

Un poete regarde la croix.

Conseils a un jeune poete, suivi de Conseils a un etudiant.

JACOB, MAX. Conseils a un jeune poete, suivi de Conseils a un etudiant.

Verlaine, poete maudit.

Le Poete assassine.

Le Poete mineur.

34 examples of  poete  in sentences