89 examples of poi in sentences

Ma poi ch' i' fui appiè d' un colle giunto, ove terminava quella valle, Che m' avea di paura il cuor compunto; Guarda' in alto, e vidi le sue spalle Vestite già de' raggi del pianeta, Che mena dritto altrui per ogni calle.

This is the same advice as is given by an Italian proverblegala bene e poi lascia

E poi m'ha detto con un bel sorriso; Io no,

Oh, maraviglia! quasi di tomba, uscir ne sente Un indistinto gemito dolente, Che poi distinto in voci.

Horses were gotten out, and bananas and poi sent to us.

In Hawaii, crushed and fermented, and called poi, they were ever the main food.

It is not so in the Marquesas, eight hundred miles north, where breadfruit is the staff, nor in Hawaii, where fermented taro (poi) is the chief reliance of the kanaka.

Taro, the staple food of Hawaiians, either simply boiled or fermented as poi, was not a decided favorite in Tahiti.

My left-hand neighbor was indifferent in choice, and ate everything nearest to him first, and without order, taking feis or bananas or a goldfish, dozens of shrimps, a few prawns, a crayfish, and several varos, but informing me, with a caress of his rounded stomach, that he was saving most of his hunger for the chicken, pig, and poi.

The poi was in calabashes, and was made of ripe breadfruit pounded until dough with a stone pestle in a wooden trough, then baked in leaves in the ground, and, when cooked, mixed with water and beaten and stirred until a mass of the consistency of a glutinous custard.

He and I shared a calabash, and his adroitness contrasted with my inexperience in taking the poi to our mouths.

He dipped his forefinger into the poi, and withdrew it covered with the paste, twirled it three times and gave it a fillip, which left no remnant to dangle when the index was neatly cleaned between his lips.

Custom was to lave the finger in the fresh-water shell before resuming relations with the poi.

Nature gave it to Piedmont, "e poi ruppe la stampa."

Even if he existed through several generations, like the wandering Jew, he would still occupy the same position; in short, he would be, as Ariosto has put it, lo fece natura, e poi ruppe lo stampo.

At the commencement of hostilities, it burst forth particularly in the North; the burghers of Abbeville opened their gates to the Count of St. Poi, and in a single week St. Valery, Crotoy, and all the places in the countship of Ponthieu followed this example.

He had an interview of two hours' duration in front of the St. Anthony gate, with the Count of St. Poi, a confidant of the Count of Charolais.

"Take what men you have," said he to the constable St. Poi, who was at his side, "and go in this direction; if they are really coming upon us, they will pass that way."

In 1471 St. Quentin opened its gates to Count Louis of St. Poi, constable of France; and Duke Charles complained with threats about it to the Count of Dampmartin, who was in commend, on that frontier, of Louis XI.'s army, and had a good understanding with the constable.

Gesù pareva tormentato essendo vivo, il dolore si partiva frà la santissima madre e lui; ma quando poi egli era morto, tutto il dolore rimaneva per la sconsolata madre.

Before each guest was placed a half-cocoanut full of salt water, another full of chopped cocoanut, a third full of fresh water, and another full of milk, two pieces of bamboo, a basket of poi, half a breadfruit, and a platter of green leaves, the latter being changed with each course.

A nun sings: La dura corda e 'l vel bruno e la tonica Gittar voglio e lo scapolo Che mi tien qui rinchiusa e fammi monica; Poi teco a guisa d'assetato giovane, Non già che si sobbarcoli, Venir me n' voglio ove fortuna piovane: E son contenta star per serva e cuoca, Chè men mi cocerò ch' ora mi cuoca.

Poi ch' Amor dice, ogni secreta è casta?

The finest lines in the play Amiam: che 'l sol si muore, e poi rinasce; A noi sua breve luce S' asconde, e 'l sonno eterna notte adduce(Coro I.) belong to Catullus: Viuamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus;... soles occidere et redire possunt; nobis cum semel occidit breuis lux, nox est perpetua una dormienda.

and he goes on, "L'anno poi 1507...."

89 examples of  poi  in sentences