4626 examples of point out in sentences

How could he be a genius and not be able to point out the folly he sees around him and comment upon it.

Let us, however, now proceed to describe some of those home qualities and virtues which are necessary to the proper management of a Household, and then point out the plan which may be the most profitably pursued for the daily regulation of its affairs.

That the people are very loud and importunate in their complaints, is daily evident; nor is it less apparent, that their complaints are just; if, therefore, their miseries must have an author, let the defenders of this gentleman point out the man whom they may more properly accuse.

The subjective entity in the patient is able to diagnose the character of the disease from which he is suffering and to point out suitable remedies, indicating a physiological knowledge exceeding that of the most highly trained physicians, and also a knowledge of the correspondences between diseased conditions of the bodily organs and the material remedies which can afford relief.

"Nothing as to who's going to point out the murderer, and so on?" "Nothing!" replied Blindway.

It were sufficient to point out a few pre-eminent mountain peaks, in the centuries between the fifth and the nineteen of the Christian era, as indicative of the perspective history of this discussion.

There are also ten drums in each city, which are beaten at the same times; and this is done as a public token of obedience to the emperor, and to point out the hours of the day and night to the inhabitants; and for ascertaining the time; they have sun dials, and clocks with weights.

We commended this speech, the informer was brought in while the senator stood by, and for a long time was silent, looking about for the man to point out.

The houses are tall and stately, of the most dazzling whiteness, and though you could point out no one as a pattern of style, the general effect is chaste and harmonious.

It would he difficult to point out another instance in which the maintenance of a great cause depended solely upon the life of a single man.

To counteract this pernicious influence, he was proposing to visit the front himself to point out the impossibility of Japan, as one of the Entente Allies, being able herself to execute such a programme.

"I needn't point out to you, my lord, that such a course shuts every door to reconciliationprecludes every possibility of things coming right in future.

" A late PROSPECTUS Of the South Carolina Medical College, located in Charleston, contains the following passage: "Some advantages of a peculiar character are connected with this Institution, which it may be proper to point out.

It is, of course, unnecessary to point out that the writing of plays did not cease in the interval; it never does cease.

He made Everton point out the digging figure, and was calculating the distance from the nearest point of the trench, and the bullets that drummed between.

I could, for instance, point out that it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain the prestige of our Festivals as time goes on.

From the top is an extensive view over the island of Sphacteria, the port, with the town of Navarino to the south, and a considerable tract of the territory anciently called Messenia on the east, with the conic hill, which, though some miles from the shore, is used as a landmark to point out the entrance of the port.

Perhaps I may venture for a moment to use a more serious tone, and to point out that there are mental troubles, much worse than mere worry, for which an absorbing object of thought may serve as a remedy.

Ludendorff, on the other hand, may fairly point out that it isn't his offensive any longer.

They were fortunate enough to find themselves placed immediately behind Madame de Chastellux, Madame de St. André, and Madame de Flahaut, who had entered together and who were kind enough to point out for the benefit of Mr. Morris and Calvert many of the celebrities in the glittering assemblage.

If one should stoop to pick flaws with the Chivalric ideal, it would be to point out a certain priggishness and intolerance.

"As a dear and highly valuable old friend," said Pringle sedately, "let me point out how shrewd and sensible a plan it would be for you and your Chris to go on a honeymoon at onceand never come back.

The author has endeavored to portray salient characteristics of the life on the island, to describe the various acts of the reigning government, to point out the evils of colonial rule, and to figure the general historical and geographical conditions in a manner that enables the reader to form a fairly accurate judgment of the past and present state of Puerto Rico.

"I drove over to the village one day this spring, and Mary and I were walking past your school-house, and the door was wide open, for it was so warm, and we stopped so that Mary might point out her brother to me; and so, as we were looking in, of course I saw you.

" When the party is assembled, the mistress or master of the house will point out to each gentleman the lady whom he is to conduct to table.

4626 examples of  point out  in sentences