50154 examples of pointed in sentences

It opens with a picture of the author toiling across a bare common in a hot summer day, and reaching at last a ruined hut surrounded with tall trees, where he meets by appointment with a hale old man, with an iron-pointed staff lying beside him.

He pointed toward the Annexe, and as I went haltingly with him, he now and again uttered unearthly cackles and bawls as if enjoying a farce I could not see.

These slender spears were a dozen feet of light, tough wood, two of them with single iron points two feet long, and a third fitted with ten fine-pointed darning-needles.

We had been pointed out by Tiura a great crack in the precipice, called Apoo Taria, the "Hole of the Ears."

He was the faun to the curling locks and the pointed ears, with not a trace of the satyr; all youth and grace and radiance.

Tatini had pointed out to me, when we walked the peninsula of Taravao, a projecting rock, marked with deep-worn grooves, from which the Tahitians once flew very large kites.

"Puhi! Puhi!" again said Raiere, and pointed to the rocks.

He leaned forward and, raising his forefinger, pointed it at the Chinese.

Round arched windows combined with pointed structural arch.

EARLY ENGLISH 1200-1280 (including Geometrical) Pointed arches.

Narrow and high pointed windows.

Certain mounds and small sections of wall are pointed out as the remains of this house; they will be found to the south-west of the church; a much restored, but still interesting, thirteenth-century building.

This was a royal residence in Saxon days and a hunting lodge of that King John of many houses; very scanty remains of the buildings are pointed out in a meadow near the town.

A skirmish took place within the church during the Civil War and marks are pointed out in the Jacobean woodwork of the pulpit as those of bullets fired during the fight.

The picturesque old George Inn on the right-hand side of the street is sometimes pointed out as the lodging occupied by Charles II, but this was at the "Queen's Arms" nearly opposite; it is now a Congregational Manse.

[Having correctly answered the foregoing questions, the pupil should be taught to apply the principles of punctuation; and, for this purpose, he may be required to read a portion of some accurately pointed book, or may be directed to turn to the Fourteenth Praxis, beginning on p. 821,and to assign a reason for every mark he finds.

The gypsy held beneath an arm a trim young gamecock feathered in rich browns and reds, with a hint of black, and armed with needle-pointed spurs.

Gideon sat erect in his chair or stood before the fireplace, now banked with ferns; black-clad, tall and thin and straight in the comely pleasance of his sixty years, his face smoothly shaven, his cheekbones jutting above depressed cheeks that fell to his narrow, pointed chin, his blue eyes crackling far under the brow, high and narrow and shaded with ruffling gray hair, still plenteous.

Old Gideon sat across the table from him, and after Dave had put a cigar in his upper left-hand waistcoat pocket he became considerate but pointed.

The judge pointed out to the prodigal father that these purchases should rightly be made with Whipple money.

Sharon pointed his eyebrows.

He pointed to the scattered members.

Then he pointed to a chair on which a pillow had carelessly been flung.

He pointed to the walls of the garret.

Be sure to be here to give me your answer at midnight to-nightor" He pointed with his hand to the door he had again opened, and with the fingers of his other hand beat time to the blasphemous chorus which came belching up from below.

50154 examples of  pointed  in sentences