Do we say pokey or poky

pokey 8 occurrences

They were quiet, homely people, who lived in a very pokey little house in Kilkenny Street, and poor Murray must, in spite of his grief, have felt very bitterly the change from his luxurious quarters in his father's mansion to his present tiny room and homely meals.

Oh, don't be so pokey, Billydo let's listen!"

Cinnamon buns an' chocolate cake an' butterscotch an' lemon pie an' soda-water an' gingerbread an' jujubes an' hokey-pokey an 'popcorn balls an'" He might have gone on forever, but Ann and Rudolf would not stand any more of it.

Pokey Bear, by Helen Evers & Alf Evers.

Pokey Bear, by Helen Evers & Alf Evers.

" Then the Men quietly got together and bought Josephine about a Thousand Dollars' Worth of American Beauty Roses to show that they were With her, and then Homes began to break up, and somebody started the Report that anyway it was the Lady President's Fault for having such a long and pokey Essay that wasn't hers at all, but had been Copied out of a Club Paper published in Detroit.

But it is all so stupid, staying there to try that pokey old case.

"We'll put it at hokey-pokey, nothin' a lump, if you don't mind, sonny," the boatswain went on; "in a nice airy parlour painted white, with a gilt chandelier an' gilt combings to the wainscot."

poky 36 occurrences

Beside these things the average church services to-day are both stupid and poky.

He made fun of the Morrises all the time, and said they had a dull, poky, old house, and he only stayed because Miss Laura was nursing him.

Stupid, poky, old chestnut; nobody wants to come to buy things, they only come because they think they have to.

A whisper from Miss Parks reached her: "Isn't it a poky subject?

your own poky little theatres.

" "No," said I, "not particularly; a walk under the 'broad canopy' is preferable on a beautiful morning like this to a poky little pew; and I like the singing of the birds better than the humming of a clergyman's nose.

" "And they will, too," declared Jess, with a nod of her dark head, "that poky old Harding and his crowd won't have a word to say when they are over.

Everything seems odd here; pokers and leather harness, all the women and girls with bonnets and long petticoats and shawls and flounces and comfortable poky straw bonnets, and boys so nicely dressed, and urns and small panes (no glasses and no clocks), trays, good bread, and everybody with clean and fresh and pretty faces.

It must be fearfully poky for the ones that haven't.

Comparing it mentally with the poky Chelsea flat where I and my sister kept impecunious house, I realized other points as well.

In polished, shiny wood, it was a representation in miniature of that poky exclusive Heaven he took about with him, externalizing it in all he did and planned, even in the grounds about the house.

After he got there, he wondered what on earth he came for, it was so dark and poky, and he began to feel uncomfortably,when all of a sudden a great ray of sunset dashed through the window, and drowned the place in the splendor of the illumined painting.

He had never known so extraordinary a change; and he walked to and fro in the freshened air, thinking that Nora's health might not have withstood the strain of trudging from street to street, teaching the piano at two shillings an hour, returning home late at night to a poky little lodging, eating any food a landlady might choose to give her.

What I mean, let's not shatter its morale by some poky chance meeting with a lot of people round, whom it is none of their business what you and I do or don't do.

The poky little puppy.

The poky little puppy.

The poky little puppy.

The poky little puppy.

The poky little puppy.

He lives in a poky house in a suburb, and works harder than anyone I know.

But I would rather, for all that, be in Harry's poky lodgings, with a treasure of love and service in my heart, than in his cousin's fine house in the country, the centre of a respectful and indifferent circle.

She has lived rather a poky life, and the change has upset her a little."

Coming here was like a resurrection; and I never grudged the time when I was face to face with a nasty, poky, useless life.

She just lies there in that poky room waiting for death, always absolutely patient and affectionate and sweet-tempered, grateful for everything, never saying a hard or cross word.

* * The girls crave for freedom, they cannot endure To be cramped up at Tennis in courts that are poky, And they're all of them certainly, perfectly sure That they'll never again touch "that horrible Croquet," Where it's quite on the cards that they play with Papa, And where all that goes on is surveyed by Mamma.

Do we say   pokey   or  poky