25 examples of polarize in sentences

Action of glass and other solid substances on a beam of polarized light.

He employed the light of an ordinary Argand lamp, and polarized it by reflection from a glass surface.

He caused this polarized light to pass through a plate of heavy glass made from a boro-silicate of lead.

Faraday discovered that other solid substances besides glass exert a similar action on a beam of polarized light.

Faraday showed that the power of rotating a beam of polarized light is also possessed by some liquids.

The word, and consequently the idea it represents, is polarized.

The religious currency of mankind, in thought, in speech, and in print, consists entirely of polarized words.

The beam of polarized light was also found to have the peculiar property of penetrating into the molecules of bodies, illuminating them and, enabling the eye to determine as to their structure.

They have a polarized phraseology for saying these things, but it comes to precisely that.

It is exceedingly interesting to see how thus, with no other postulates than inertia, rigidity, and mutual impenetrability, we can thoroughly model not only an elastic solid, and any combination of elastic solids, but so complex and recondite a phenomenon as the passage of polarized light through a magnetic field.

Transparent objects, particularly crystals which will not polarize, diatoms, infusoria, palates of mollusks, etc., can not only be seen to greater advantage, but their parts can be more easily studied.

MAUS, DOLORES C. Expanded polarization table for cane sugar factories using Brix hydrometers, standardized at 27-1/2 C. and for use in Horne's dry lead method and in polarizing undiluted solutions.

TREGRE, LOUISE M. Expanded polarization table for cane sugar factories using Brix hydrometers, standardized at 27-1/2 C. and for use in Horne's dry lead method and in polarizing undiluted solutions.

MAUS, DOLORES C. Expanded polarization table for cane sugar factories using Brix hydrometers, standardized at 27-1/2 C. and for use in Horne's dry lead method and in polarizing undiluted solutions.

TREGRE, LOUISE M. Expanded polarization table for cane sugar factories using Brix hydrometers, standardized at 27-1/2 C. and for use in Horne's dry lead method and in polarizing undiluted solutions.

They are similar in chemical constitution, but the one is the reverse of the other when examined by polarized lightthat is, they rotate the plane of polarization of a ray of light in opposite ways.

Some are coiled to the right and others to the left; and it is remarkable that, like dextrose and levulose, their juices are optically the reverse of each other when studied by polarized light.

For instance: if we tell them that in 1820 he wrote a paper "On the Theory and Summation of Series;" communicated to the Cambridge Philosophical Society his discovery that the two kinds of rotatory polarization in rock crystal were related to the plagihedral faces of that mineral; and issued an able treatise "On Certain Remarkable Instances of Deviation from Newton's Tints in the Polarized Tints of Uniaxal

How crystals tend to become polarized to the vibrations of their owner.

But, notwithstanding what I have just said, I would be neglecting my full duty in the matter if I failed to call your attention to the fact that the continued use of a particular crystal often has the effect of polarizing its molecules so as to render it a far more efficient instrument as time passes by.

The crystal tends to become polarized according to the requirements of the person habitually using it, and it is foolish to allow this to be interfered with.

In the first place, I form the selenium in very thin plates, and polarize them, so that the opposite faces have different electrical states or properties.

Thus by the simultaneous application and action of heat, pressure, chemical affinity, and crystallization, it is formed into a sheet of granular selenium, uniformly polarized throughout, and having its two surfaces in opposite phases as regards its molecular arrangement.

Current-generating cells are, almost without exception, "U B cells;" and the best current-generating cells are strongly polarized, showing a considerable change of resistance by reversing the direction of a current through them; and they are also strong "anode cells," i.e., the surface next to the gold offers a higher resistance to a battery current than the other surface of the selenium does.

1 gives the general arrangement of a station, where J is an inductor set in motion through a winch, K, and a pair of friction rollers; W, a polarized call; U, an ordinary two-direction commutator; B, a lightning protector; and L and T, the two terminals of the apparatus, one of them connecting with the line and the other with the earth.

25 examples of  polarize  in sentences