388 examples of politically in sentences

For the Currycomb politically had been a power.

Politically speaking, they formed a most valuable element in Canadian society.

He left his kingdom politically weaker than it was when he took it; he entailed nothing but disasters to his heirs.

To civilize his country, to make it politically powerful, to raise it in the scale of nations, to labor for its good rather than for his own private pleasure, seems to have animated his existence.

Politically speaking, France was our rival.

I said incidentally to-day, 'I will not sit here to sacrifice India to England,' a sentiment which escaped me, but which I feel to be correct, not only socially but politically.

But even in the midst of such patriotic endeavours, which from a police point of view were entirely in order, the poet interrupts himself; -Sed sumne ego stultus, qui rem curo publicam Ubi sunt magistratus, quos curare oporteat?- and taken as a whole, we can hardly imagine a comedy politically more tame than was that of Rome in the sixth century.(22)

In a longer and more serious oration, on the conditions politically and socially of Florence and of the whole State, he put before his hearers two uncontrovertible considerations, to guide them in the exercise of the selection of a new Capo della Repubblica,first.

These occurrences took place in 1831; since which time the colored class have been politically free, and have been marching forward with rapid step in every species of improvement, and are now on a higher footing than in any other colony.

They represented people of the same origin, but of the lower strata of the gentry or of business; they were more nationalistic and politically active and often less influenced by Western ideologies.

The phase of educative rule was to be a sort of authoritarian system with a democratic content, under which the people should be familiarized with democracy and enabled to grow politically ripe for true democracy.

Are you speaking politically?" "I am stating the plain fact," said Kent, nettled a little by her coolness.

"It would ruin him politically, world without end!

"I am not running for office, and I have nothing to lose, politically or otherwise.

On this reasoning, then, and observing the eager demand of women everywhere for increased freedom and independence, we can only draw the conclusion that the whole world is dimly recognizing an immediate and pressing need for the higher services of women, services which they cannot render unless freed legally, politically and sexually.

Why, Winona Penniman, would you barter your independence for a union that must be demeaning, at least politically, until our cause is won?"

It is true that men do not act politically upon a mere stock-exchange calculation of material advantages and disadvantages.

Those who are now rich will, they believe, have neither motive for corrupt electoral expenditure, nor superfluity of money to spend on it; while the women and the working men who are now unenfranchised or politically inactive, will bring into politics a fresh stream of unspoilt impulse.

" Now that the slaveholders have been so foolish as to appeal to physical force, abandoning their vantage-ground of political influence, they must be not only politically overthrown, but physically humiliated.

To be somebody at Court or elsewhere, politically, commercially,he cared not.

It also called into being a vast array of new professionals; teachers, engineers, scientists, technicians, social workers and propagandists, converting the "middle class" from a shadowy remnant of feudal society into the largest class numerically and the most influential class politically in the entire modern community.

Politically, nation building, empire building and the establishment and maintenance of each civilization is a competitive struggle between declared rivals to gain and keep place and power.

At the end of the forty-two months, the same length of time, the leopard beast was also to be slain, politically, with the sword, and go into captivity.

It was at the time when this beast went into captivity, or was killed (politically) with the sword, verse 10, or (which we suppose to be the same thing), had one of its heads wounded to death, verse 3, that John saw the two-horned beast coming up.

They have quietly, steadily opposed infidelity, until it has, at least, become politically unpopular.

388 examples of  politically  in sentences