4729 examples of politics in sentences

But the age of virtuous politics is past, And we are deep in that of cold pretence.

" Five thousand years of bloody terrorism, intermingling of races, piety, plunder, politics and pilgrims, have produced a self- consciousness as concentrated as liquid poison-gas.

After that, bewilderment began to cease as, under his amused, painstaking fingers, thread after thread of the involved gnarl of plots and politics betrayed its course.

All the other politics of the Near East hinge on it, even when it doesn't appear so on the surface.

Hot air and Arab politics have quite a lot in common.

A teacher who knew Arabic would have a first-class time, and would be well paid and protected, if he could keep his hands off politics.

The Arab followed me, and he and I were both searched at the gate for weapons, by a Sikh who knew nothing and cared less about Near East politics.

He was no longer in blue serge and patent-leather boots, but magnificent in Arab finery, and he was tricked out in a puzzling snowy-white head-dress that suggested politics without your knowing why.

You Americans know so little of our politics.

That would have been the easiest way, because America understands little or nothing of our politics.

The enforcement of these laws was called for by citizen after citizen in the public press, as demanded by "every principle of justice, humanity, policy and interest," and particularly on the ground that if the border states were drained of slaves they would be transferred from the pro-slavery to the anti-slavery group in politics.

Yet he found time for going to town and for visits here and there, time for politics, and time for sports.

I do not know anything about politics, but he is what I suppose must be a Radical, as he preaches home rule for Ireland, and equal rights for all mankind, and an apologetic tone to other nations, and a general dividing up of all one's biens.

In the following years he paid several protracted visits to London, where by the power of his pen and his unrivalled genius as a satirist of the politics of his time, he rapidly rose to a most formidable position in the State,the intimate of poets and of statesmen.

Yet the sentiments to which that circumstance has given rise and which it still nourishes are as potent a factor in contemporary Balkan politics as the antipathy of the Christian nations to their former Moslem oppressors.

Whether the ruin was due to inefficiency and corruption in government or the injection by the Young Turk party of politics into the army or exhaustion resulting from the recent war with Italy or to other causes more obscure, we need not pause to inquire.

The controlling force in politics, though not the only force, is self-interest.

As a necessity of practical politics, therefore, there emerged the Austro-Italian policy of an independent Albania.

The course of politics in Bulgaria, notably her embroilment with Russia, inured to the advantage of the Servian propaganda in Macedonia, which after 1890 made great headway.

But it was to eschew politics.

So he proposed to keep the Horen clear of politics and try to divert the minds of men into the serener regions of letters and art.

THE SCIENCE OF POLITICS All that thou dost be rightto that alone confine thy view, And halt within the certain rulethe

Off the record: love, life, politics.

BULLOCK, CHARLES JESSE. Politics, finance and consequences.

HYMA, ALBERT. Christianity and politics.

4729 examples of  politics  in sentences