11 examples of polyandry in sentences

*Polys many polyandry, polychrome, polysyllable Pous, pados foot octopus, chiropodist *

The temperamental dislike of intelligent women to polygamy is at least as strong as a man's objection to polyandry.

Namely, the not uncommon cases of secret polygamy and polyandry.

In not a few communities of Asia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Australia, Africa, and America polyandry prevailed; that is, the woman was expected to bestow her caresses in turn on two or more men, to the destruction of the desire for exclusive possession which is an imperative trait of love.

Asia is also the chief home of polyandry, though, as we saw in the preceding chapter, this custom has prevailed on other continents too.

The effect of polyandry is thus referred to by Colonel King (23): "A Toda woman often has three or four husbands, who are all brothers, and with each of whom she cohabits a month at a time.

Polyandry is generally practised, increasing the horror of her position, for she is required to be a slave to a number of masters, who treat her with the most rigorous harshness and brutality.

I gave a brief history of the marriage institution in all times and countries, of the matriarchate, when the mother was the head of the family and owned the property and children; of the patriarchate, when man reigned supreme and woman was enslaved; of polyandry, polygamy, monogamy, and prostitution.

Polyandry and polygamy are both evidences of a crude and half-evolved humanity.

NAIRS, Hindus of high caste, claiming to rank next the Brahmans, who lived on the Malabar coast of India; among them polyandry prevailed, and the royal power descended through the female line.

POLYANDRY, the name given to a form of polygamy met with among certain rude races, under which a woman is united and lives in marriage to several husbands.

11 examples of  polyandry  in sentences