12 examples of pompa in sentences

Though, in another place, he is more bold; where he says, Et longas visent Capitolia pompas.

[Footnote 12: The line about the peacock, "Spiega la pompa de l'occhiute piume," Opens wide the pomp of his eyed plumes, was such a favourite with Tasso, that he has repeated it from the Aminta, and (I think) in some other place, but I cannot call it to mind.]

To be present at an interview, [3260]as that famous of Henry the Eighth and Francis the First, so much renowned all over Europe; ubi tanto apparatu (saith Hubertus Veillius) tamque triumphali pompa ambo reges com eorum conjugibus coiere, ut nulla unquam aetas tam celebria festa viderit aut audieriti, no age ever saw the like.

So likewise not long since at Friburg in Germany, as is evident by that relation of Neander, they had Ludos septennales, solemn plays every seven years, which Bocerus, one of their own poets, hath elegantly described: "At nunc magnifico spectacula structa paratu Quid memorem, veteri non concessura Quirino, Ludorum pompa," &

Quam multis non egeo, quam multa non desidero, ut Socrates in pompa, ille in nundinis. 3762.

Regia domo ornatuque certantes, sese ac formam suam Antonio offerentes, &c. Cum ornatu et incredibili pompa per Cydnum fluvium navigarent aurata puppi, ipsa ad similitudinem Veneris ornata, puellae Gratiis similes, pueri Cupidinibus, Antonius ad visum stupefactus. 5022.

3. de contemptu mundi; nihil facilius recrudescit quam amor; ut pompa visa renovat ambitionem, auri species avaritiam, spectata corporis forma incendit luxuriam.

y sagrado, nunca produce una impresión tan profunda como en los días en que despliega todas las galas de su pompa religiosa, en que sus tabernáculos se cubren de oro y pedrería, sus gradas de alfombra y

pompa, f., pomp. ponderación, f., consideration; exaggeration; laudation.

"The Burial Confraternity of the Magi laid his body in the sacristy of San Lorenzo, and the next day the funeral obsequies were held without pompas is the custom of the Signoribut quite simply.

Two magnificent plants of Opuntia vulgaris, which flanked one of the windows, the waiter said, were planted there 'per pompa' (for pomp's sake); a motive, unfortunately, so often the leading one in Italy, without any regard to the humbler ones of neatness and order.

And by him that spake only as a philosopher and natural man, it was well said, Pompa mortis magis terret quam mors ipsa.[104] Groans and convulsions, and a discolored face, and friends weeping, and blacks and obsequies, and the like, show death terrible.

12 examples of  pompa  in sentences