869 examples of pop in sentences

And the Crown Prince said: 'Say, pop, what got us into this war?' "The Emperor replied, 'My son, I was deluded.' "'Oh, sire, impossible!' exclaimed the Prince.

Pending the arrival of trains he divides his time between the front steps of the old hotel and the Elite Amusement Parlor, Eagle Butte's single den of iniquity where pocket pool, billiards, solodevilish dissipations these!along with root beer, ginger ale, nut sundaes, soda-pop, milk shakes and similar enticements are served to those, of reckless and untamed temperaments.

Most schoolboys know it, for the little bladders of air in the leaves explode with a pop if you squeeze them.

Perhaps we shall meet some children on the journey; and it'll be so nice for you to pop this out of your pocket, and give it to them to blow.

Yes, a blowin' beans, Miss PINKHAM, through a horrible tin pop-gun at your'n, and a winkin' vicious, and you a enjoyin' on it, Miss PINKHAM, I sot down; yes, I sot right down, and I shuddered.

Now I can take down pop's gun and fire off a shot, without anybody's meddling interference," he said to himself.

Suddenly the sound of firing was heard about a mile off, not sharp and loud, but slow and desultory, like the pop, pop, pop of a rifle or revolver.

Suddenly the sound of firing was heard about a mile off, not sharp and loud, but slow and desultory, like the pop, pop, pop of a rifle or revolver.

Suddenly the sound of firing was heard about a mile off, not sharp and loud, but slow and desultory, like the pop, pop, pop of a rifle or revolver.

And once, when it was almost dark, they came upon a pop-eyed, loose-jointed, fierce-looking creature in the trail who scurried away like a ball at sight of Thor.

" "Like the pop of a jackbox.

I would much rather arrange the business in that way, than have her pop into my office at any moment to ask me about my illegible words.

What made you pop off so sudden?

The third man sent an easy pop-fly to Blossom, who got hold of it and clung to it for dear life.

Half in a dream I heard Catherine telling of her boy, of his Eton triumphs, how he had been one of the rackets pair two years, and in the eleven his last, but "in Pop" before he was seventeen, and yet as simple and unaffected and unspoilt with it all as the small boy whom I remembered.

As he takes the musket, so he seizes the object who in the Virginia army carries that musket on its shoulder until its master is ready to reach out a lazy hand, nonchalantly lift the piece, and carelessly pop a Yankee.

Sometimes when I have disturbed a nuthatch at work at a hole in a tree, the little fellow would pop into the hole and peep out at me, never moving until I had departed.

When should you test or try the pop valve? A. As soon as there is a sufficient pressure.

I'm simply telling you Phil Lambert is the man that ought to marry her, and if he doesn't get on to the job almighty quick that pop-eyed simpleton over there will be prancing down the aisle to Lohengrin with Carlotta before Christmas, and the jig will be up.

| Pop. of U.S.

| No. of | Pop. of Cities.

Such people naturally look upon a leak as very lubberly and unprofessional, and therefore scrupulously avoid letting in any water, supplying its place with something more cheery, under the enlivening influence whereof, those who would be puzzled to decide whether a hand-organ was playing "Hail, Columbia!" or "Pop goes the Weasel," lose all false modesty as to their musical powers, and become royally (I beg majesty's pardon) vocal.

Hugh Doty's Rattle-Belly Pop.

Pop works claimed by Louise Pox Connell as widow of the author SEE Connell, Richard.

Her eyes will pop clear out of her head when she sees them.

869 examples of  pop  in sentences