Do we say pope or rope

pope 6757 occurrences

ROME, Oct. 15.Talking this morning with the Pope, who took breakfast with me, His Holiness said he had accepted JAMES GORDON BENNETT'S invitation to come to Washington Heights on a visit, and wanted to know whether I thought he would be expected to wear his tiara during meals.

"And therefore, in the third place, brother, Giles this day would not change skins with any lord, duke, archduke, pope or potentate that e'er went in skin" "Who gave it thee?speak, man!" "Faith, lord, I had it from one as pure, as fair, as" "Aye, but what like is she?"

"The first discovery was an ancient basilica, satisfactorily ascertained to be the one dedicated to St. Stephen, built by Santa Demetria,the first nun,at the instigation of the pope, St. Leo the Great.

With the downfall of the Pope's temporal power, comes the report that several newspapers have been established in the Eternal City.

Pope, Dante, a few of the older English poets, Byron, and last, not least, some of my own compositions, lie around me.

Should such an order-loving Pope appearwhich may the seventy-two cardinals preventshall move away.

THE POPE Should so much be said of Rome without remembering the Pope, who had, at least indirectly, conferred many, many benefits upon Winckelmann?

THE POPE Should so much be said of Rome without remembering the Pope, who had, at least indirectly, conferred many, many benefits upon Winckelmann?

Lambertini, a gay and easy-going man, who preferred letting others rule to ruling, himself; and so the different positions which Winckelmann filled may have come to him rather through the favor of his exalted friends than through the appreciation of his services by the Pope.

Nevertheless, we find him on one important occasion in the presence of the Head of the Church; he was honored by being allowed to read several passages of the Monumenti Inediti to the Pope, thus achieving also, along this line, the highest honor which an author could receive.

Pope, Prologue to the Satires, 117.

AM'ARANTH (Lady), in Wild Oats, by John O'Keefe, a famous part of Mrs. Pope (1740-1797).

Pope. ASTRINGER, a falconer.

But what are these to great Atossa's mind? Pope.

When I first saw Miss Pope she was performing "Mrs. Candour," to Miss Farren's "lady Teazle," King as "sir Peter," Parsons "Crab-tree," Dodd "Backbite," Baddeley "Moses," Smith "Charles," and John Palmer "Joseph" [Surface].James Smith, Memoirs, etc. BACTRIAN SAGE (The), Zoroas'ter or Zerdusht, a native of Bactria, now Balkh (B.C. 589-513).

The battle was now hushed for a time; and Shell, knowing that the enemy would not attempt to burn the house while their captain was in it, went into the second story, and began to sing the favorite hymn of Martin Luther, when surrounded with the perils he encountered in his controversy with the Pope.

"Pope describes a rock broken off from a mountain, and hurling to the plain.

"One can scarcely think that Pope was capable of epic or tragic poetry; but, within a certain limited region, he has been outdone by no poet."Dr.

Pope's Homer and Dryden's Virgil can never indeed give exquisite satisfaction to scholars, accustomed to study the Greek and Latin originals.

" The epitaph at first intended by Pope for this monument was, "This Sheffield raised; the sacred dust below Was Dryden once:the rest, who does not know?" Atterbury had thus written to him on this subject, in 1720: "What I said to you in mine, about the monument, was intended only to quicken, not to alarm you.

" Life of Pope.

The cause of the Pope was the cause of God; Manning was the person who could best serve the Pope's cause, and therefore all forces which opposed him were in effect opposing the Divine Will.

The cause of the Pope was the cause of God; Manning was the person who could best serve the Pope's cause, and therefore all forces which opposed him were in effect opposing the Divine Will.

The Jesuits are scarcely subject to the Pope himself.

But it was news to most of us that (if his biographer is right) he wished to succeed Antonelli as Secretary of State in 1876, and to transfer the scene of his activities from Westminster to Rome, and that he attributed the Pope's disregard of his wishes to mental decrepitude.

rope 3594 occurrences

Lifting it above his head he pointed silently to a rickety staircase in the far corner, up which we groped our way with the help of a rope pendent from an upper beam.

" Lister signaled a man on board the tug, the winch rattled, and a big iron bucket, hanging by a wire rope, dropped into the hold.

As this great rascal Bishop came out of Rochester Castle, the English youths sang out "Rope and Cord!

Rope and Cord for the traitor Bishop."

It is Sympathy, Feeling, and Hope, That pull out in the Life-boat to fling ye a rope.

Each "soul" has his appointed place, his appointed duty, and his special contributionbe it bucket or rope or ladderto bring to the conflagration.

God made man's feet for the earth, and not for the tight-rope.

THE ALL PULL TOGETHER SHOT There was a regular celebration at Pepper hill, north of Verdun, where a battery of Rhode Island artillery rigged a twenty-foot rope to the lanyard of a .155 cannon, and every man in the company, from the captain to the cook, laid hold of it and waited.

At the tick of eleven o'clock they gave that rope one mighty yank, all together, and the gun roared out the last shot of the war.

Tom Stubbins began a lengthy story of an elopement that happened down at the "Carp," where the bride made a rope of the sheets and came down from an upstairs window.

Is there a rope of any kind to be had?" "Only this curtain cord; it is not large, but strong."

My coming had silenced the others, and we waited motionless, the stillness so intense I could hear the lapping of waves against the side, and the slight creak of a rope aloft.

I'd hate to lie in here waiting for you to go all the way to camp and get a rope," grumbled the imprisoned one.

Bring some rope and an aid kit.

It swings across the river on a wire rope, with a running tackle, by the force of the stream and the aid of a large rudder.

Finally Marcos passed through the wide Calle de San Ignacio to the drawbridges across the double fosse, where the rope-makers are always at work, walking backwards with an ever decreasing bundle of hemp at their waists and one eye cocked upwards towards the roadway so that they know all who come and go better even than the sentry at the gate.

For the sentries are changed three or four times a day, while the rope-maker goes on forever.

Marcos pulled the bell-rope swinging in the wind outside the great door of the monastery, while Sarrion tied the horses to a post.

The third edition with the elephant on the tight-rope was published in 1736.

These fibers may be found so interwoven as to form a sheet, as in the periosteum of the bone, the fasciæ around muscles, and the capsules of organs; or they may be aggregated into bundles and form rope-like bands, as in the ligaments of joints and the tendons of muscles.

My work was to help the people plough, and now and again go out with some of the Army and see what the other villages were doing, and make 'em throw rope-bridges across the ravines which cut up the country horrid.

The King lost his head, so he did, all along o' one of those cunning rope-bridges.

They marched him a mile across that snow to a rope-bridge over a ravine with a river at the bottom.

At first he thought this was the clutch of human hands; then as the lantern-light revealed more clearly the things about him and the outlines of his own figure, he saw that it was a rope, and he knew that he was unable to cry out because of something tight and suffocating about his mouth.

On a stone by the roadside sat Sinis himself; and when he saw Theseus coming, he ran to meet him, twirling a long rope in his hands and crying out: "Welcome, welcome, dear prince!

Do we say   pope   or  rope