869 examples of popping in sentences

From the saloon companionway drifted intermittently a confusion of voices, Liane's light laughter, muted clatter of chips, now and then the sound of a popping cork.

The ball was breaking up, some of the women had already gone to the drawing-room or their own apartments; a stream of men were making their way to the billiard-room from which came the popping of champagne-corks and the hissing of syphons.

One of these young brains is like a bunch of India crackers; once touch fire to it and it is best to keep hands off until it has done popping,if it ever stops.

It is impossible, surely, that the desire of popping me off to that honest man can be with such a view.

Without clear comprehension of what was happening, Sofia heard shouts from the other car, now at a standstill, and an oddly syncopated popping.

They were waited upon for the most part by foreigners, who spoke broken English, and what with the babel of tongues, the din of the music and the constant popping of corks, for alcohol had not yet been prohibited, the scene beggared description.

On the evening of my sixteenth birthday, we were all having a very merry time in papa's study, popping corn over the open fire.

The first crocuses were popping up, several days ahead of the ones at the Conservancy.

And Andy, popping up from his stooping position, showed himself at the window.

" "Wait till I curl it," said Bambi, throwing up the window and popping her head out into the night air.

Tortoni's Café, a place that we looked upon as the last link with civilization: Tortoni's, with its blaze of light, looking-glass and gold paintits popping corks and hurrying waitersmade a deep and pleasant indent on one's mind, for "to-morrow" meant "the Front" for most of those who sat there.

Conceive him falling on his knees before herpressing her delicate hand, and "popping the question," while his large round eyes shed tears of affection and suspense, and his huge sides shook with emotion!

The popping of a pistol at odd hours in the back-yard of the Institute was a phenomenon more than sufficiently remarkable to be talked about in Rockland.

The faint popping of rifles was followed by another terrific crash.

They're not always popping away at you, Browne.

The French had pushed their skirmishers past the farm, and they lay among the young corn in front of us popping at the gunners, so that three pieces out of six on our left were lying with their men strewed in the mud all round them.

The lean lieutenant craned his neck and whispered to Smeaton, the second, while officers and men came popping up from below and clustered along the weather-rail, shading their eyes with their handsfor the tropical sun was already clear of the palm trees.

They were always popping up and peering at him, and every time he spoke they laughed together.

Popping cereal.

The orchestra at intervals in this dance made use of some contrivance which sounded like corn popping briskly over the fire.

"Popping the question" is, he says, of recent date, "and though for the most part done by the men, yet the women do not hesitate to adopt the same course when so inclined."

I was living like a hermit, and working like a horse, not trying to make any splurge, as I might have done, even having given up the idea of getting me a team of horses, which I had been thinking of for a while back with the notion of maybe getting a buggy and beginning to take Virginia out buggy-riding, and thus working up in a year or two to popping the question to her.

Barbara's pair were ominously still for a time, when all at once the larger gave a sort of unwilling lurch, without popping, and rolled off a little way, right in toward the blaze.

He then seeks an interview with the young lady herself, and performs the agreeable or disagreeable duty which corresponds in Korak to the civilised custom of "popping the question."

From time to time he caught a glimpse of the ancient couple in the gallery, and judged from their fearsome countenance and popping eyes that they were being duly impressed.

869 examples of  popping  in sentences