49 examples of populo in sentences

1. Pro Dei amore, et pro Christiano populo, et nostro 2.

Que sun las Leias e'ls Custums que il Rei Willelm ga- 1. concessit toto populo Angliæ post subactam terram 2. a tut le peuple de Engleterre aprés le conquest de la terre 3. rantit a tut il poevel d'Engelterra dapo il conquist della 1.

Nec pueros coram populo MEDEA trucidet Aut humana palam coquat extra nefarius ATREUS, Aut in avem PROGNE vertatur, CADMUS in anguem.

Quem in concione vidimus (says TULLY, speaking of him) cum ei libellum malus poeta de populo subjecisset, quod epigramma in eum fecisset tantummodo alternis versibus longiuculis, statim ex iis rebus quae tunc vendebat jubere ei praemium tribui, sub ea conditione ne quid postea scriberet.

"Among which 'many,' he recounts some, "Nec pueros coram populo MEDEA trucidet, Aut in avem PROGNE mutetur, CADMUS in anguem, &c. "that is, 'Those actions, which, by reason of their cruelty, will cause aversion in us; or (by reason of their impossibility) unbelief

His magnificent Defensio pro Populo Anglicano is one of the most masterly controversial works in literature.

He accordingly wrote in reply his Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, a Latin work, which was published in 1651.

He hoarding in a dear year, is like Erysicthon's bowels in Ovid: Quodque urbibus esset, quodque satis poterat populo, non sufficit uni.

"Insanus vobis videor, non deprecor ipse, Quo minus insanus," I do not deny it, demens de populo dematur.

Neque enim populo Romano quidquam potest esse laetius, no man living so jocund, so merry as the people of Rome when they had plenty; but when they came to want, to be hunger-starved, "neither shame, nor laws, nor arms, nor magistrates could keep them in obedience.

It will be so with thee and thine offence, it will be forgotten in an instant, be it theft, rape, sodomy, murder, incest, treason, &c., thou art not the first offender, nor shalt not be the last, 'tis no wonder, every hour such malefactors are called in question, nothing so common, Quocunque in populo, quocunque sub axe?

Br. 5. Pectore qui duro, crudos de vite racemos, Venturi exsecuit vascula prima meri, Labraque constrictus, semesos, jamque terendos Sub pedibus, populo praetereunte, jacit.

nonne dulcissimas veritates potero speculari ubique sub celo, ni prius inglorium, imo ignominiosum populo, Florentineque civitati am reddam?

Volto ritrorso; scilicet, versus ortum suum, vel contra: el mar fugire; idest, et Mare Rubrum fugere hinc inde, quando fecit viam populo Dei, qui transivit sicco pede: fu qui mirabile a vedere; idest, miraculosius, chel soccorso que, idest, quam esset mirabile succursum divinum hic venturum ad puniendos perversos."

Note in the handwriting of James Bindley, in a copy of an English translation of Milton's "Defensio pro Populo Anglicano," printed in the year 1692.

" "'Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo!

By this means the poet observes that decency, which Horace afterwards established as a rule, of forbearing to commit parricides or unnatural murders before the audience. "Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet," ARS POET.

"Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet: Aut humana palam coquat exta nefarius Atreus; Aut in avem Progne vertatur, Cadmus in anguem.

Nec coram populo natos Medea trucidet.

Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet; Aut humana palam coquat exta nefarius Atreus; Aut in avem Progne vertatur, Cadmus in anguem, Quodcunque ostendis mihi sic, incredulus odi.

Nequicquam populo bibulas donaveris Aures; Respue quod non es. Persius, Sat.

'Nos populo damus' Sen. When I first of all took it in my Head to write Dreams and Visions, I determin'd to Print nothing of that nature, which was not of my own Invention.

Percio essendo ci stato figurato sempre il vostro populo Europeo Romano par paese di donne invitte, i forte, e caste; allongiamo la nostra mano potente, a stringere una di loro, e questa sara una vostra nipote, o nipote di qualche altro gran Sacerdote Latino, che sia guardata dall' occhio dritto di Dio.

Peter sung the 114th Psalm, "In exitu Israel de Egypto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro," and the angels followed after, also singing.

D. Hercole & da lui repsentata al suo floretissimo Populo di Ferrara nel. M. cccc.

49 examples of  populo  in sentences